Library News

Book Week
The theme for the 2022 Book Week is “Dreaming with Eyes Open”. This may mean different things to different people. Dreaming as in lost in a good book. Dreaming as in hoping for a better future, dreaming as an understanding of indigenous stories and culture and that’s just a beginning.
Book Week 2022 has almost come and gone. We have had the reading competition Read for your Life (well done all participants). A special day where we came as book characters and we will have a visiting author on Tuesday September 6th, and a focus on books and literature.
The reality is however, every day is Book Week. Every day it’s important to find yourself or to encourage our students to be in between the pages of a book - hardcopy or online. We should be reading as if our lives depended on it for in terms of education it really does depend on it.
What are the 4 main ideas about importance of reading?
Reading is good for you because it improves your focus, memory, empathy, and communication skills. Also, reading can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live longer. Reading also allows you to learn new things to help you succeed in your work and relationships.
What’s not to like about reading!
Mr Anderson / Library
Staff Dress Up Day - Favourite Literary Characters
Yesterday, to celebrate Book Week, the staff dressed up as their favourite literary characters. The teachers and library staff paraded in the library at lunchtime amongst a plethora of students, who decided on the winner, Ms Jennifer Stone, our PACT Teacher. Ms Stone's creative costume of the 'Wicked Witch of the East' from The Wizard of Oz, was an outstanding success. Above you will see some amazing costumes from our teachers and library staff.
Read for Your Life
The Read for Your Life challenge for years 7 - 10, has been a resounding success with just over one week left to go!
We have some competitive English classes who have been reading an astounding amount of books over the past six weeks. The winning class can look forward to pizza, new books and a movie at lunchtime!
Keep Reading!
Author Visit - Mr George Ivanoff
The English Department, Literacy and the Library have organised that on Tuesday, 6th September, author George Ivanoff will visit the school and talk to the Years 7 and 8 English classes in two hour long sessions about the inspiration and writing process behind some of his books.
George Ivanoff is a Melbourne author who has written more than 100 books for children and teens, including fiction and non-fiction. He has written school readers, library reference books, chapter books, novelettes, novels and even a short story collection. He has books on both the Victorian Premier’s and the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge booklists.