Student Achievements

Hudson Institute of Medical Research Young Women in STEM Program
Congratulations to Van Lal Diki Khupno and Grace Groves from 10.1 for being accepted into the Hudson Institute of Medical Research Young Women in STEM Program which will be running in Week 10 of Term 3.
The Hudson Institute is a leading Australian biomedical research institute recognised internationally for delivering better health through translational research into cancer, inflammation and reproduction and development.
Senior Basketball - Regional Finals
We are very proud of our senior basketball team who competed in the Regional Finals at Dandenong Stadium this week.
They played brilliantly and won two out of their three games, unfortunately losing to Berwick in their final match.
Art & Technology Exhibition Awards
Late last term we held an Art and Technology Exhibition, with curated works created by students from Years 7-10, from the Art and Technology classes. We had over 100 visitors to the Exhibition and received very positive feedback about the high quality and creativity of each work on show.
Visitors to the exhibition were asked to vote for their favourite works and we can now announce the winners of both the People's Choice and Teacher Awards. The below students were presented with their awards and prizes by our Principal, Mr Aaron Smith, this afternoon.
School Wide Behaviour Program
Our School Wide Behaviour Program focus this term is 'Self Belief’. Our teaching staff have been recognising students who are demonstrating self belief through the Green Chronicles on Compass. Each week these students are put into a draw, with five chosen to receive a $30 cinema voucher.
Well done to all of the students who have been recognised through Compass. The students who have received vouchers over the past three weeks are as follows:
Mitchell Noller 7.5 | Matthew Blanco 12.2 | Jemma Kendall 10.1 |
Canaitha Castro 11.3 | Michael Nimaya 7.5 | Noovaehina George 9.7 |
Hayley Miles 9.8 | Lauren Cudmore 8.1 | Deakin Howell 10.3 |
Jessica Skoda 11.2 | Yasmin Lambrinos 10.2 | Kayleigh Prendergast 11.4 |
Alice Rogers 10.1 | Marshall Sungalis 9.1 | Isabella Zika 7.5 |
Sub-school Awards
At our recent sub-school assemblies, awards were presented to students for their exceptional attitude and effort in their studies, as well as following the SOAR values (social and personal responsibility, opportunities for all, achieving personal best, respect and relationships). Well done to all of the award winners. Above you will find a small selection.