The Gardening Team is


Growing Young Leaders!

How the students at Albanvale Primary School 


are showing responsibilty by taking care of the school's gardens.


Written by Mehmed & Kedeesha on the 16th of August

The Gardening Club at Albanvale Primary School helping to keep our school looking good. On Tuesday afternoon the garden club plants vegetables and fruits, weeding and watering the plants. This gardening club is amazing for students at Albanvale primary school.  We had the opportunity to talk to a couple of members in this group, this is what we found:


We interviewed Henry and Ilija
What is the main reason that this group is a part of the young leaders program?

The main reason that the Gardening Club is a part of the Young Leaders program because it helps to teach us about responsibility because we need to learn about different types of plants, this has helped us to be inspired to grow plants to feed other people. We need to learn how to take care of them and this helps us in other areas of our lives.


What do you do each week on Tuesday afternoon?

Each week is different things. We might be planting new plants or taking care of the ones that are already planted. This involves weeding and watering the gardens. Although some people feel like gardening is an easy job there are lots to think about.


Why do you think this group is important for students at Albanvale Primary School?

This is very important to the students because it helps to make our school a better place to be in. We make it good to look at and it helps to look after the garden and then environment.


What is your favourite part of being in this group?
It is good to learn about the different ways that you can look after your garden and how to plant things so that they survive and thrive.

This is an amazing part of the Young Leader Program and everyone in this group were all so excited to be a part of it. This a really good opportunity to make our school a better place to be. As you are walking around the school, make sure that you have a look and see the amazing work that the Gardening Club is doing around our school.