Principal's Report

The last newsletter for the year provides me with the opportunity to thank all parents, carers and community members who have so willingly assisted the school in 2018. Whether it is through sporting teams, P&C, parents as tutors, canteen, attending information evenings or any of the myriad of ways that you have involved yourself in the school, I thank you. The opportunities that we are able to provide to students is so much enhanced by your assistance.


As with every year, many students of Henry Kendall High School have attained achievements of the highest order. It is vitally important to also recognise that the great majority of our students achieve lots of things on an ongoing basis. Such achievements may not ‘make the news’, but important personal milestones in all areas of endeavour are happening day by day, and each student of this school benefits from a culture of success. It is fantastic to see that all of our students really want to succeed, and this is the key to our school for which all of its members are to be congratulated.

Inspired Student Leaders 2019

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our student leadership body for 2019 – our school captains, vice captains, prefects, student representative council and house captains. The variety of school leaders we have at Henry Kendall High School work to support the school in many ways. From volunteering for community service, fundraising for charity, dealing with individual student issues, representing the school at special events, raising ideas with the teaching staff and executive, and generally promoting all the positive aspects of this great school.


In the short time I have been working with them there are a number of strong qualities that are evident in our incoming student leaders of 2019. They have the belief that they can make a difference. They participate and lead in activities with willingness and enthusiasm. They consistently model positive values and attitudes and set an example - wearing the correct uniform, treating people with respect, encouraging others to behave appropriately, doing their best and enjoying school.  Even more than this, they articulate the importance of positively influencing our school culture. And they are proud of their school. These qualities will stand them in good stead to undertake their duties. I congratulate our school leaders and have every faith in the positive impact they will have through 2019.

Mr Backhouse, Tiarna Houghton, Alexandra Sidiropoulos, Senjay Turner and Eli Clarkson

Outstanding NAPLAN Results in 2018

Our 2018 NAPLAN results have been released, with many highlights to acknowledge. Of particular note, we are above state average in every area of NAPLAN in both Year 7 and Year 9. This is a substantial achievement.


Against our School Plan targets we have shown a slight improvement in Year 9 Reading of 0.1%, and a significant growth in Year 9 Numeracy of 8.07% - more than double our targeted growth!


Against the Premiers Priorities we achieved well above our 2018 targets with 24.44% of all students (Year 7 and 9) achieving in the top 2 bands of NAPLAN – again simply outstanding!


These results do not come without hard work and collaborative efforts of both staff and students who I would like to congratulate for these achievements.


As always, NAPLAN remains a measure of individual growth and a diagnostic tool that assists us in meeting individual needs. It is an indication of our overall tracking as a school to consider results against state average, however should never be considered as a measure that compares schools. What remains important is our work with our students in building essential foundations for learning.

Farewell to the Cohort of 2018

The Year 12 Formal Dinner was held on Monday 21 November at Crowne Plaza, Terrigal. This annual event is a particularly special evening for not only the student and their families, but also for the teaching staff who have built such close bonds with their students over the last six years. It is an evening where we celebrate a significant rite of passage where we formally say that thirteen years of schooling are over and a new chapter begins for each of our Year 12 students. It was an excellent night in which the graduates looked a million dollars, speeches were sharp and full of humour, and collectively we acknowledged and celebrated a rite of passage and the start of the unknown journey ahead. Through their high school experience Year 12 have learnt about themselves, their strengths and limitations. They appreciate the power of teamwork and understand about setting goals. They can communicate to groups of people, are self-confident, articulate and discerning. As teachers we have enjoyed witnessing and contributing to their growth as people.


I would like to take this opportunity to offer a few thank you’s. Firstly, to Mae Johnson, Joel Ryan, Georgia Riley and Lachlan Muir – I thank you for the admirable representation you have given your peers, and the dedication and respect with which you approached your roles as school leaders. I particularly thank Mr Michael Mellish for his leadership, commitment and hard work as Year Adviser, and for the organisation of the Year 12 Formal – it was a wonderful evening. To our Year 12 students leaving us, your schooling may be over, but remember that education still continues. From all of us, we wish you luck in all endeavours, success in your future careers and happiness in your personal lives.

Fantastic HSC Results

Well done to our 2018 HSC students with the release of strong and well deserved results. Of particular note;

  • Henry Kendall High School is the number one ranked comprehensive high school on the coast, and fifth overall. We have achieved this result in four of the past five years!
  • 15 students attained a total of 30 band 6 results.
  • Our results are the third highest attained in the school’s history.
  • 64.5% of students achieved in bands 4-6 – this is the highest result in the top three bands we have ever attained.
  • Henry Kendall High School exceeded the state examination mean for the first time ever!

In addition to this, many students exceeded their expectations and in some cases, getting over the line is the achievement. Each and every HSC outcome is celebrated in our school. Congratulations to Year 12, 2018!


I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all of our wonderful HSC teachers. The selfless work they do is a significant factor in the achievement of our students. Their dedication, passion, drive, subject knowledge and depth of educational expertise is valued and appreciated.

End of Year Celebrations

There are a number of very special functions the school conducts to conclude the year;

  • The Senior Preparation Program for Year 10 which ran from 26 November – 14 December.
  • Year 10 Celebration Dinner at the Coast Restaurant, which was on Monday 10 December.
  • Annual Presentation Evening held on Wednesday 12 December 2018.

School concludes for students and staff this year today (Wednesday 19 December 2018). Arrangements for the start of 2019 are;

  • Tuesday 29 January 2019 - School Development Day (no pupils).
  • Wednesday 30 January 2019 - school resumes for Years 7, 11 and 12.
  • Thursday 31 January 2019 -  school resumes for Years 8, 9 and 10.

As Christmas rapidly approaches I would like to congratulate the staff and students of Henry Kendall High School for their hard work throughout a busy and productive year. On a great many levels it has been another significant year for Henry Kendall High School. Our school remains intensely focused on providing the best possible learning environment for every student. I wish you all a safe and happy festive season and look forward to continuing to shape the future of Henry Kendall High School next year.

Mr Andrew Backhouse
