Vivo Newsletter Report 

Term Four, Week Seven, 2019

The moment we have all been waiting for has arrived! The Top 10 Vivo recipients for each year group were announced and they have been invited to attend the free reward excursion to ‘Raging Waters’. Unfortunately, some were unable to attend, but their places have been filled by other deserving students who were next on the list. The excursion is on next Thursday 5 December, so watch this space for our report on what will be an awesome day out!


Over the last few weeks, staff and students have been surveyed to ascertain the effectiveness of our rewards program. After much consultation, it is clear that students would be more engaged with reward system which is run internally by Henry Kendall High School. Based on this feedback and after consideration of the significant cost of subscribing to Vivo, we have decided to move to a new reward system for 2020. During assembly this week, students were informed of this decision and were instructed to use the last few weeks of school to spend their Vivo points. So don’t forget to hop on the store and buy an item to recognise your hard work over the last couple of years!


More information will be provided on what the new system will look like, once final decisions are made based on further student feedback. We’re excited for the potential and can’t wait to share our 2020 vision (pun intended)!


Top Vivo Earners for the Year!

Support Unit

Jolie Easton 

Nicky Gogwana

Felix Su

Xander James

Zali Deezeuw 


Year 7

Sarah Leggett

Evan Morton 

Oscar Jagger

Pia McClean-Barth

Felix Tebbutt

Molly Seeto

Khyra Dickey

Chloe Manser

Milana St Clair

Jessica Hunter


Year 8

Lachlan Gunn

Alexander McGavin

Sophia Thomas

Kalem Harris

Larna Homer

Alydia Dumpert

Jaidyn Waldron-Lamotte

Skyla Bedford

Chase Aldridge

Jessica Lundberg 


Year 9 

Ellanor Meese

Jessica Falkingham

Megan Blair

Arabella Kimber

Tram Nguyen

Ksenia Malysheva

Piper Hill

Gregory Brien

Harmony Day

Piper Lane


Year 10

Tom McCarthy

Jayden Downs

Stephanie Peterson

Charlotte Tucker

Emma Leseberg

Sean Burgess

Brandon Willmette

Julian White

Brooke Naylor

Hailey Jarvis-Kentwell 


Year 11

​Tai Ho 

Priyansh Gupta 

Siobhan Wilby 

Justin Son

Adrian Crnalic 

Parker Qui 

Harrison Neale 

Katalena Abarca 

Oliver Worrad

Abbey Devlin