welcome to 2018 @ BSC

Wednesday, January 31, brought a sea of happy faces through the BSC gates. New faces and old friends came together to form the 2018 school community - eager to embark on a brand new year.

The 2018 Year 7 cohort were greeted by Principal, Karen Harris and Assistant Principals, Claudia Johnson and Samantha Milbourn.  While they patiently waited for the school day to begin, they mingled, met new friends and reflected on the moment -  having reached a significant milestone in their lives.

Swarming through and around our newest community members came the familiar faces of older students and staff - meeting and greeting each other with smiles and laughter  - as old friends do.  Students joining the school at higher year levels were also introduced to their new school and peers.

Just as significant,  today welcomed our determined Year 12 students as they begin their journey through their final year of secondary school and toward a life beyond Brunswick.


The first day of school always brings an air of excitement and expectation - and we are set for a busy and successful year. 

We wish every student

a positive and exciting year of learning ahead.


We look forward to

sharing and celebrating

the experience together!

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