Religious Education at O'Connor

Religious Education

Mr Damian Roff


Religious Education is a subject that all students do every year that they attend at O'Connor. Senior students are able to choose from 3 courses. At present our Year 10 students are in the process of making these choices. There are two levels of courses that can contribute toward an ATAR. These are Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II. Our Year 12 students are busily preparing for their Trial Exams in these subjects. The other course while not contributing toward an ATAR can count toward a student's HSC. This course is called Study in Catholic Thought. The course has a liberal arts approach drawing from art, literature, philosophy, music, film and of course scripture to wrestle with the great questions of humanity. 



Students in Years 7 to 10 follow a syllabus common to all Armidale Diocesan Schools and is approved by Bishop Michael Kennedy. The course is diverse and is faith forming. At present students from year 7 are studying "Stewards of Creation" which looks at the shared responsibility we have to care for the environment. Year 8 is studying "Striving for Goodness". This topic explores concepts such as the ripple effect, free will and ways we can bring forth the Kingdom of God. Year 9 are studying "Sacraments of Healing '' which looks at the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. Year 10 students are also studying sacraments. "Sacraments at the Service of Communion" specifically looks at Marriage and Holy Orders.

All study of Religious Education and indeed all subjects at O'Connor are underpinned by Catholic Principles and Values. These principles are The Primacy of God, The Sanctity of Life, Fidelity in Relationships and the Common Good. The link explaining these in greater detail is provided here;


Catholic Principles and Values  


As mentioned, our Year 12 students are studying for upcoming exams. Part of their course is a study of Christian beliefs and ethics. They will do well to remember these principles.