Sport Captain

Throughout the next term, sport at Mt A will slowly be returning to normal, with the Futsal teams returning to training this week and sign-up for Trimester 3 sports open. The sports offered this trimester are:
- Touch football
- Soccer
- Netball
- Basketball
By the age of fourteen, girls drop out of sports at twice the rate of boys, according to the Women’s Sport Foundation, and by the age of seventeen, 51% will have quit sports altogether. However, the College provides us with amazing opportunities through the sporting program. Participating in Trimester 3 sports is a great opportunity for girls to be involved in a fun, social, and active environment. Team sports not only help girls improve their teamwork skills, but also their communication and determination. This is an opportunity for girls to create long lasting memories and improve their sporting skills. Being a part of a team sport help girls not only be physically active, but it gives them an opportunity to build confidence and make new friends. I encourage them to participate in this trimester as it is their last opportunity to be involved in sport in 2020.
This term, CaSSSA Cross Country has received the approval to go ahead on 17 August. Girls from each age group compete against the other girls’ schools. Training sessions are on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7.00am, as well as Trail Runs at the Chermside Reserve on Thursday mornings. Commitment to training is extremely important with selection of the team, so I encourage girls to show up to as many as possible. This year, the CaSSSA team will also be receiving a team shirt to show off on the day.
Mt A vs Padua Netball
On 4 August, in first break, we will see the Mt A College Captains take on the Padua College Captains in a competitive game of netball in the San Dam. It would be great to see all the girls in the San Dam cheering on the Mt A Captains as they battle it out to victory.
Girls, make sure you sign up for your trimester sport; all information is on Notices.
I hope to see you all in the San Dam to watch both colleges battle it out for the netball title.
On the following pages are reports from the Sport Committee and Captains of various sports.
Emma Winstanley