Sport Development Leader

As we mark the halfway point for the year it somehow feels like we are not halfway through our sport quota. It is easy to believe this as the excitement and action around the College is rising fast. It has been great to chat to students about how they found love for simple fitness routines at home - stories of running, Bootcamps, meditation, and more.
We love to hear that a large portion stayed in tune with their 'active' instincts and, instead of waiting for opportunity, they created it. We had our Cross Country captains live on teams posting workouts, our Community Zone on Moodle was turning out workouts each day to follow, and those who wanted to do their own thing just went on YouTube and found something that inspired them.
Of course, now that we have moved to Stage 3 of the recovery plan, sport in Queensland can carefully resume. There is a lot of work in COVID Safe plans, and I feel that the planning that CaSSSA and other sporting associations are taking, as well as our own hygiene and health measures, will allow us to be as safe as we can be.
In a sporting sense, we have increased our cleaning of shared equipment and facilities, introduced sign-up sheets for all activities to track attendance, and will be kitting all of our coaches and venues with hand sanitiser. As part of an overarching CaSSSA School Policy we will be introducing a zero tolerance policy on attendance if a student is displaying symptoms such as: fever, sore throat, continuous cough or sneeze, or extreme nasal or chest congestion. This will be enforced by all thirteen member schools of CaSSSA.
Now for the positive news. We will be flooding the social media, Student Notices, and emails with information on upcoming sport and activities. We are only two weeks away from our Trimester 3 sporting team gradings, as well as opportunities for Rock Climbing, and Social Monday Sport and, of course, we are already running are Swimming (Padua Pool), Running, and Bootcamp.
Please encourage your daughters to check Student Notices and their emails daily as we would love to see them involved in this important aspect of college life. Sport is a great way to meet new people, blow off some energy and, of course, have fun.
Please enjoy the reports from our Sport Captain, Sport Committee, and Captains of various sports.
Josh White