All In This Together

Remaining Optimistic

During the past week there has been a heightened state of concern about the spread of the coronavirus in our community. We continue to ensure that the health and hygiene measures are implemented at the College and I appreciate the support and cooperation that is being exhibited. Thankyou. Let’s continue to remain optimistic that we can push through  by doing our best to follow the rules.


Congratulations to our senior students who continue to show great resilience and investment in their education and by their participation, being in control of what they can at the moment. You are all doing amazingly well, so keep persisting. 


The online parent teacher and student interviews ran very smoothly yesterday and have provided further opportunities to think about how we might utilise the technology further on future occasions post COVID to engage more effectively with the wider school community. It was also terrific to see the high level of participation in the course selection information webinars during the past fortnight.


Work continues to progress on our senior school building and I have included a short video from this week’s site meeting to give you a sneak preview of some of the spaces as we move towards completion in the next few weeks.


View Senior School Progress Video


As we continue to navigate the complexities of dealing with COVID pandemic, there are many useful services and resources available to assist individuals and families within our community in dealing with the inevitable range of mental health issues that surface. Apart from getting in touch with our wellbeing team here at Ringwood and being supported with access to locally based services, here is a curated list of other helpful resources and support included for your information below. Some of these have been mentioned before but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded and know that help is never too far away.


Helpful resources and support

Tipsheets and online resources

Mobile apps

  • Smiling Mind - free mindfulness meditation app to help you look after your mental health and manage stress and daily challenges.
  • Headspace - free "Weathering the Storm" program available to help support the global community through this time including  a curated list of calming meditations, help with sleep, and at-home workouts or movement exercises.

Online counselling support services outside Ringwood Secondary College

Crisis support

General counselling and mental health support

  • Beyond Blue - online and phone mental health support. Phone: 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Beyond Blue online chat.
  • Care in Mind - online and phone counselling for people living, working, or studying in Melbourne's northern, central, and western suburbs. Phone: 1300 096 269 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). CareinMIND online counselling.
  • eheadspace - confidential mental health and wellbeing support for young people (12 - 25 years) and their families, including information, support, and health services. Phone: 1800 650 890 (9am - 1am, 7 days a week). eheadspace online chat.
  • MensLine - professional telephone and online support and information service for Australian men. Phone 1300 78 99 78 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). MensLine online counselling.
  • Mindspot - free telephone and online service for people with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression. It provides online assessment and treatment for anxiety and depression and can help you find local services. Call 1800 61 44 34 (8am - 8pm, Monday - Friday; 8am-6pm, Saturday).

Specialist areas

  • 1800Respect - confidential counselling, information and support for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse via phone or online chat. Phone: 1800 737 732 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). 1800Respect online chat.
  • Butterfly Foundation's National Helpline (ED HOPE) - confidential service that provides information, counselling, and treatment referral for people with eating disorders, and body image and related issues. Phone: 1800 33 4673 (8am - midnight).
  • Directline confidential alcohol and drug counselling and referral service. Phone: 1800 888 236 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Directline online counselling.
  • Switchboard Victoria - telephone and web counselling, information, and referral service for LGBTQI people. Phone: 1800 184 527 (3pm - 12am, 7 days a week). QLife Webchat.

Michael Phillips OAM


Congratulating all Staff and Students 

With much uncertainty surrounding us all during these times, I would like to acknowledge and congratulate the staff and students who are working so hard to continue the learning process and opportunities so far throughout Term 3.


Our VCE students have begun the term with excellent attendance and engagement levels within their classes. Please continue with this strong focus and enthusiasm to your learning over the upcoming weeks and beyond.


Beginning last week and continuing during the first half of Term 3 is the transition planning for 2021. This week the students and parents of Years 8 and 9 have had remote assemblies and information evenings to guide and support families in the process of subject selections for 2021. Also, our Year 10 students have begun their remote interviews with a career practitioner via MS Teams. It has been great to share this important information with RSC community and answer many questions to support students and families in making the best decisions and choices for their education in 2021. Please remember to contact the relevant Sub School Leader or Career Teams member if you have any further questions or require assistance. Thank you to our Sub Schools and Careers Team for the work they are doing to educate, support and assist families presently.


The first RSC online parent/teacher interviews were held yesterday afternoon and evening. It was great to receive so much positive feedback with both families and staff having good experiences in this remote event. Families seemed to have enjoyed the convenience of being able to have these valuable discussions from home, without the need to rush around the school. The success of this may change the way these parent/teacher interviews run in the future…


Lastly, thank-you to the VCE students who have been wearing face masks, social distancing where possible and maintaining good hygiene habits. Please continue to keep up your efforts and doing your bit for both the school and wider community during these times.


Matt Tucker

Acting Assistant Principal