Physical Activity 


Whilst we had to sadly cancel our whole school House Athletics Carnival at Duncan McKinnon Stadium, I have come up with a modified at home back-up plan. In line with our planned P.E. program, this term we continue with learning the athletic skills of running, jumping and throwing at home. In our ‘Wacky House Athletics’ students will participate in modified at home athletic competitions whilst gaining valuable House Points. 


Students in Years 3-6 have participated in their first event ‘Plastic Cup Long Jump’ and submitted their results using a Google Form. At the end of the week, the winning jumpers in each gender and age category were confirmed. Here’s an insight into this challenge from Frankie in 34C


Last week’s winners were:


All students who submitted their result were awarded 10 House points for their house and 50 extra points for taking the win


The house standings so far are:


What will the House standings be after this weeks ‘Tower High Jump’ competition? Here’s an attempt already from Elena 34B and Noah B 34C. Results will be shared through Seesaw. Keep up the great work everyone! 


Students in F-2 will also compete with upcoming events soon. So far students have been developing their jumping skills and we have seen some fantastic jumping obstacle courses and learning to skip photos and videos, with a stand out this week in Foundation of the healthy foods sack obstacle course.


Check this out from Mila W, FC and don’t forget to keep jumping using chalk and objects to make an obstacle course like mine (Miss Jo's) and the ones you created last week:


Why should children exercise and how much should children be exercising?


The Department of Health states that for optimal health benefits, children and young people (aged 5–17 years) should achieve the recommended accumulation of 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day. During remote learning, Sport Australia is helping to achieve 30 minutes through a ‘Find your 30 campaign’. Check out the challenges here.


This will all help to achieve the following: 


Want some more inspiration for how you increase your physical activity? 


Here’s Miss Jo’s top 10 ideas to try: 

  1. Download the Just Dance App and have a virtual dance competition with your friends.
  2. Daily 30-minute workout videos created by a respected personal trainer with experience in school system in the UK.
  3. Foot Dance Challenge: Learn this foot dance with a partner.
  4. 25 minute fun kids workout.
  5. Train like a Richmond Tiger at home.
  6. AFL Auskick at home.
  7. Gymnastics with Aerokids.
  8. Workouts for kids.
  9. Cosmic Kids Yoga.
  10. School Sport Victoria virtual cross country challenge.


Also, whilst at home check out these top tips to help you focus on your learning:



Amanda Miller is the owner of an online yoga meditation business, Glo Kids Yoga. During this lockdown period, she has offered accessibility to her sources at the reduced annual cost of $75. Here you can access tons of activities, action yoga songs, chakra videos, meditations and planned lesson ideas. Check out the website here: and enter the subscription code: GLOKIDSYOGAFREEPASS when prompted. You can also find out more by following @glokidsyoga on Instagram, which has lots of recipes, activities and arts and crafts.