Assistant Principals' Update

Learning and Teaching

Kilbreda Connect 2.0

Our daily lives have changed yet again with Stage 4 lock downs now in place throughout metropolitan Melbourne. As we pivot to yet another major challenge to our daily lives and the way in which we learn and work, let me encourage you with a verse from 1 Corinthians 16:13 that reminds us to, “stand firm in faith, to be courageous and to be strong.” Whilst the day to day of our changed circumstances can be difficult, and at times overwhelming, as a community we have continued to hold strong to our values and to our vision and mission. May the period ahead provide us with opportunities to courageously reach out to those more vulnerable than ourselves and to show compassion and hospitality to those in our world. May we provide some hope in what might otherwise be darkness. 


An updated 'Kilbreda Connect' 2.0 Parent/Student Handbook has been emailed to families to include information about the provision of remote learning for VCE, VCAL and VET students. Whilst this new booklet has new information relevant to 'Kilbreda Connect 2.0', it also contains some of the key information from earlier documents regarding our remote learning model and information to support the wellbeing of your daughter/s. Much of the information in earlier booklets is still very relevant and we encourage you take another look at these.


Remote Learning – Hints and Tips

As we face another period of remote learning and teaching we need to remind ourselves of the key factors to take into account in order to make this time productive and to look after our wellbeing.

  • Stay Connected
    • In a time when we are physical distancing and don’t have the ability to leave home to visit friends, it is important that we make time in our lives to socially connect via other means
    • Check in with friends and provide support to each other
    • Stay connected to the College by participating in the optional activities that are available to you
    • Participate in class discussions during synchronous classes
  • Appropriate Workspace
    • Set up your learning space where there are minimal distractions
    • Have things on hand that you will need for the day
    • Make sure your chair is comfortable and that the table is at the right height for you to work comfortably
  • Set a Routine
    • Wake up at your normal time and get ready for the day
    • Have a healthy breakfast to sustain your energy levels
    • Ensure your take a morning tea break and lunch break
    • Try and get some fresh air
  • Ask Questions
    • During your synchronous classes on Microsoft Teams ask questions
    • Participate in discussions
    • Utilise the chat feature in Microsoft Teams
    • If you have a question between classes, don’t wait. Post your question in the class stream/forum or email your class mates or teacher
  • Take Regular Breaks
    • Take care of your wellbeing
    • Stand up and stretch between classes
    • Go outside for a walk or bike ride
    • Plan time away from your device

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews

Thank you to all the families who have made the most of the opportunity to spend time in interviews with teachers this week to partner with us in the learning journey of your daughter/s. Whilst this has been a year like no other and some of our ‘regular’ programs and learning has been disrupted, there have been countless opportunities for Kilbreda girls to learn and grow as individuals and as a community. 


There has been concern raised in the media that this year students may fall behind, but we have seen evidence that our students have continued to develop the necessary skills and learning behaviours that will enable them to become strong women who are able to contribute positively to the world around them. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to share our observations with you through the conversations during parent/teacher interviews.


Course Selection

A reminder for all students to ensure that course selections are completed and submitted by the due date.


Current Year 8 and Year 9 students who missed the deadline will be contacted in due course regarding their options for 2021.


Current Year 10 students are participating in one-on-one interviews for a pathways discussion – the last date to submit your online subject selections has been extended to Friday 14 August.


Current Year 11 students who missed the deadline for online subject selections will be contacted in due course regarding their program for 2021.


Jane Ward

Assistant Principal: 

Learning and Teaching


Wellbeing and Engagement 

Imagination Will Get You Everywhere

Imagination can be an incredible source of joy for children and adults.  This week, our girls have used their imagination to bring to life their favourite stories through the Edible Book competition, the development of innovative Language week activities, the Year 11 lunchtime sporting challenges and the Year 12 celebratory events, such as their ’10 years of One Direction’ music festival.


As a child, Roald Dahl’s fabulous tales introduced me to wonderful characters with incredible imaginations that assisted them to get through certain situations.  Willy Wonka’s factory is an excellent example of his wildest dreams coming to life, from chocolate waterfalls to fizzy-lifting drinks to three course dinner chewing gum.  As I became immersed in the likes of 'Matilda', 'James and the Giant Peach' and 'Revolting Rhymes', I was transported to creative new worlds and unique ideas that provided me with many moments of joy and happiness.


Lockdown 2.0 provides our students with the opportunity to share the wonders of their creativity and imagination with their families.  It is important that during this time our students play by focusing on something that is fun and nurturing.  This will also allow parents the opportunity to step into their daughter’s world and share experiences that are incredibly fulfilling for them.  Research has shown that playing together strengthens the parent-child relationship, which helps build young people’s resilience and lays the foundation for mental health throughout their lifetime.


Roald Dahl once wrote ‘A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men (and women).’  It is important during Lockdown 2.0 to ensure that there is time:

  • To do ‘silly’ things that bring us joy.
  • To unwind, have fun and look after our general wellbeing.
  • Celebrate accomplishments and look towards the future with hope.

How do we continue to support our daughters as they navigate their way through the remainder of the year?

Let’s start by first listening to how they are feeling.  Talk to them and allow them to express themselves freely. Do not dismiss what they are feeling as ‘silly’ or compare what they are going through to other times of struggle. Let’s congratulate them on what they have achieved despite the obstacles they may be facing and tell them how proud we are of them.  


Help lighten the mood for them – encourage them to have some fun, take a mindful moment, and rest up in order to balance their studies and the demands of school work. 


Finally, help them re-set the goals they may have been focusing on for the year.  Explain that not being able to achieve certain goals this year has been beyond their control.  Encourage them to start dreaming big again - look to the future with kindness, gratitude and hope, and make sure, you take some time for 'a little nonsense along the way'. 


Year 12 Parent Information Evening  'Preparing for the final months of VCE – A Family Guide'

Date:  Wednesday 19 August 2020

Time:  7.00pm 

Location:  Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 867 9461 0853

Passcode: kC12iN


Whether you are a new parent to the VCE or have been on this journey before, each student will navigate their journey with highs, lows, struggles, achievements and joys.  This information session, held on Wednesday 19 August, will give you some insights into preparing for the final months of the VCE, and will provide some useful strategies and information to help you support your daughter through the final stages of her schooling.


Open to all parents/carers and Year 12 students the session will explore:

  • Strategies and tips for approaching the trial and VCE examinations.
  • Key milestones in the lead up to the VCE
  • Careers, post school and other options

We look forward to connecting with you and supporting your daughter during the final stages of her schooling journey. 


Stephanie Smyth

Assistant Principal:

Wellbeing and Engagement