From the Principal

The impact of the COVID19 restrictions is having a massive influence on the economy and job security.  Any school family who is experiencing financial hardship and needs assistance with school fees obligations is encouraged to contact me via 

email ( to discuss how we can help at this time.



Dear Parents and Guardians,


Welcome to the first week of remote learning 2.0 for Term Three. 

Given the daily challenges we are all facing in the community at the moment, remote learning at St Simon’s has begun with a reasonably smooth start.  

We know that there will be some adjustments needed along the way, and sometimes the technology can feel like it is working against us however I am confident that the partnership we have between home and school is one that provides the best opportunities for student learning at this time.

By now you should have received a range of communications from your child’s teacher and level team.  As part of our preparations for Remote Learning 2.0  we have taken some time to reflect on what was learnt from the Term Two experience and tried to make some adjustments accordingly. 

Some of the key insights from our reflection included consideration for the importance of student wellbeing, flexibility with timelines and expectations for student work submission, and the high levels of fatigue that can be experienced when exposed to long periods of screen time.  This is why we have included in our whole school forward planning two dates for Wellbeing Wednesdays.


Wellbeing Wednesdays - 

Remote Learning in Term 3

This term we have scheduled Wednesday 29th July and Wednesday 12th August as “Wellbeing Wednesdays” for our school community.  On these days there will be a shift away from the school-based routines of remote learning instead, students and their families are encouraged to have a break from the screen time and engage in activities or experiences that focus a sense of wellbeing. 

There will be no scheduled Google Meets on Wellbeing Wednesdays. Year level teachers will give some examples of activities that students can consider participating in on these days.


If your child comes to school for onsite supervision on a Wednesday, we invite you to consider how you could engage with Wellbeing Wednesday within your household.


If you need to send your child to school for onsite supervisions Wednesday 29th July and\or Wednesday 12th August a supervision program will be provided by Beyond Edu Care.  There will be no out of pocket costs to parents if your child attends. If you intend to use this service please book directly with Shayan and the Beyond Edu Care Team. Phone: 0426 998 325  Email:

School Assembly - Live Stream

One of the key school activities we have missed dearly has been our whole school assembly.  This Term we will be hosting our whole school assemblies as video live stream events.

The first assembly of this new format will take place on Thursday 30th July at 10am

Our Year 6 student leaders will be working with school staff to host each assembly, with a focus on gathering as a community for prayer as well as celebrating the many learning successes and opportunities within the St Simon’s Community. 

In the lead-up to each assembly, a live stream link will be shared with families via email through Caremonkey.

Face Masks

Earlier this week, the Victorian Government announced that those in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire must wear a face covering when they leave home from 11.59 pm on Wednesday 22 July 2020.


Face coverings will be mandatory for people aged 12 and over. These measures will slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and help protect our school community.


Students who attend primary school for onsite supervision will not be required to wear a face covering. Students who are aged 12 by Year 6 will not be required to wear face coverings. The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that it is not practical to require some primary school students to wear face coverings while others are not required to.


Parents and carers will be required to wear face coverings whenever they leave the house, including for school drop-off and pick-up.

All school-based staff must wear face coverings at school, and when travelling to and from school.

Teachers and education support staff will not be required to wear face coverings while teaching, but those who wish to do so can. Teachers should wear face coverings in other areas of the school when not teaching (for example, in the staffroom, on yard duty, and when providing first aid or taking temperatures), and when travelling to and from school.

Students or staff who have a medical condition – including problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability or a mental health condition – are not required to wear a face covering.


The Department of Health and Human Services website hasadvice about face coverings, including:

·         which different types can be used

·         how to make your own

·         how to safely wear one

·         how to safely remove it.


Semester One Student Reports - 7th August

As advised last Term, the Semester One (midyear) Report for each student will be available to parents on Friday 7th August.  This year the School will be using a digital method of delivery for the report which will involve parents signing into a “Parent Portal” to download and view the document.  Further information about how to do this will be shared with you shortly.

Parent-Teacher Interviews Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th August 3:30-6:00pm

Parent-Teacher Interviews will take place using an online video meeting (Google Meet) or a phone call.

The sign up for parent-teacher interviews will be via a Caremonkey eForm.  This will be emailed to you in the coming weeks with further information about the protocols of using Google Meet for the parent-teacher interviews to be shared with you shortly.  


School Advisory Board Meetings Term 3

This Term the School Advisory Board will be meeting on Wednesday 19 August (please note the change of date) and Wednesday 9th September.  Until further notice, these meetings will continue to be conducted using Google Meet.




God bless






Tom Wursthorn
