Primary Sub School Stars of the week

Room 1 - Mandy Sharma

  • Nathan Ndhlala for engaging in Remote Learning Program and for working hard to complete Seesaw activities.

Room 2 - Rachael Peck

  • Aras Isildak for requesting "more" shaving cream using the key word sign "more" at home.
  • Sebastian Malavisi for participating in hands-on counting activities for numbers 1 to 5 at home .

Room 3 - Karen Corbett

  • Alex Xiong for excellent counting, number tracing and sorting on Seesaw.
  • Jovon Lemalu Moors for excellent counting, number tracing and sorting on Seesaw.

Room 4  - Cisy Chan

  • Asiya Mozafari for great participation in online learning


Room 5 - Rachael Macmillan

  • Christian Wilson for  careful tracing
  • Julian Pino for trying activities at home

Room 6 - Shannon Thompson

  • Deegan Langoor for looking after self by doing a fantastic job with all his Seesaw work.
  • Jackson El-Hassan for looking after self by using his AAC to communicate in our daily WebEx drop-ins.

Room 7 - Jade Molinari

  • Ilyas Mozafari for following a mini schedule at home and completing his Seesaw activities daily.

Room 8 - Kerryn Dimario

  • Dimitri Snow for completing great work at home.
  • Jaafer Bahiss for getting on Seesaw to complete your work.

Room 9 - Angela Weatherly

  • Edan McNaught for fantastic work interpreting data in Maths.
  • Elif Turer for an excellent start to learning in her on site classroom.