5 Questions

The Questions

  1. If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  2. If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?
  3. If you could be on any reality TV show, which which one would you choose and why?
  4. What are you watching or reading at the moment?
  5. What was the last thing you purchased online?


Bec Johanson

  1. Pasta 
  2. I don't think i would bring back any fashion trends I'm happy with the fashion trends around now 
  3. house rules because i like to renovate things 
  4. I've been watching a lot of movies 
  5. a phone case and a bookshelf 








Perryn Wickenden

  1. Steak (medium rare) with baked potato
  2. 80's Leather jackets
  3. Masterchef to improve my cooking skills
  4. The Jurassic Park novel by Michael Crichton
  5. X-box membership


Mikayla Short

  1. Sushi
  2. I’d like to see other people wearing legwarmers, not me though
  3. Love Island because it looks like a holiday
  4. Dynasty on Netflix
  5. Gym clothes


Aidan Hogg

  1. Pizza or sushi (Sushi pizza?)
  2. Hypercolour t-shirts and acid wash denim jackets
  3. The Block. My wife already like to take me to furniture shops to have arguments, so we may as well get paid to do it.
  4. Reading- For the Term of His Natural Life (seems appropriate in these lockdown times). Watching- just finished F is for Family.
  5. An ice hockey session. It was promptly refunded when the rink had to shut down again.

Mark Heidenrijk

  1. Chicken Parma
  2. I don’t have any taste in fashion. So no idea at all. But if I had to choose, probably Denim and Hawaiian Shirts
  3. Survivor. I could live off my blubber for a few months. 
  4. Suits Season 9
  5. Exercise Bike


Paris McMurray

  1. Souvlaki
  2. Scrunchies
  3. Geordie Shore
  4. Gossip Girl
  5. A google home