Principal's Notes

We are now in the third week of a very different term three to any we have previously experienced and on-site, at least, we have a very productive and consistent routine. The day commences with mandatory temperature screening for each student, VCE and VCAL classes are operating as they would have been in any other year (except that every student is wearing a mask), the Talbot Room is ‘business as usual’, touch point cleaning is occurring throughout the day and hand sanitiser is only four or five paces away from you no matter where you are! 

The school day for Year 7-10 students and their parents however, is far from normal and we are doing all we can to support our students in developing their own productive and consistent routines. Students and parents, please ask for help if you need it, with organisation, academic progress, wellbeing, IT support or any other issues because remote learning is with us until at least August 19 and we don’t want anyone to fall behind or to feel unsupported and alone.

Academic progress and individual health, wellbeing and safety remain our goals- in order to protect students and staff on-site the number one action we can take is to stay home if feeling unwell and I can report that our school community has been doing that routinely- thank you to everyone for taking this message so seriously. 

Today’s ‘Connections’ publication gives further insight into the thoughts, lives, achievements and idiosyncrasies of several of our students and staff members and I hope the articles help you to maintain a feeling of connection to the school community. Congratulations to Amelia and Rhiannon who are this week’s student stars!

Best wishes everyone, stay safe.

Allan Rennick