Parents & Friends Association

Jacqueline Russell

I’d like to dedicate this newsletter entry to the 2022 Junior School P&F Parent Representatives, who have been a such a vital part of the P&F efforts and of the school community this past 12 months. Equal recognition is extended to the Parent Representatives of the Senior School.  


There is no reason school cannot be fun for the parents/families as well as the kids! Friend-raising, as well as fund-raising, is a strength of the P&F. Our Parents Rep's play an important networking role in friend-raising and boosting community spirit within the school. 


A big thank you to Jo Braid, Libby Chapman, Hannah Johnston and Steph McCormack for their hard work and support as they step down as Parent Rep's in 2022. A big welcome to Sam Burns, Dana Oldroyd, James Hinton and Karen Canning who are coming into the role in 2023. And an ongoing thank you to Katie Nanayakkara, Anna Elder, Lindsey Stewart, Sarah Rourke, Kirsty Chambers, Leanne Lett, Jo Balcomb, Josh Gordon and Kate Strahorn who are moving their experience forward into 2023. 


Please see below for our Year Rep's for 2023. We are seeking another person for Year 1 2023. If anyone is interested, please contact me via 


Pre K: Sam Burns

Kinder: Katie Nanayakkara and Dana Oldroyd

Year 1: James Hinton

Year 2: Anna Elder and Karen Canning

Year 3: Lindsey Stewart and Jacqueline Russell

Year 4: Josh Gordon and Kate Strahorn

Year 5: Sarah Rourke and Kirsty Chambers

Year 6: Leanne Lett and Jo Balcomb


The main aims of this role are to assist in:

  • parent/family communication within each year group
  • organise/arrange social events for each year group
  • assist at P and F events, and/or invite parents willing to help from within each year group.

Our year rep's have done an amazing job with this and at no time has promotion of school community and spirit been more important than now, as we emerge from the COVID lockdowns of the previous 2 years. I was sitting in the Performance Theatre for the first time yesterday, which was refurbished using P&F fundraising efforts. It’s a beautiful space, and reflective of the efforts of all who contributed to this. 


I have enjoyed thoroughly working with this amazing group of parents and carers, and I look forward to future efforts and enthusiasm as we move forward into 2023. 


Recently, Year 5 parents got together at the Canobolas Hotel for drinks and dinner. It was especially good to see some new families attend.  Year 2 had lunch and a play together at the Greenhouse and Year 1 also made good use of the space at the Greenhouse.   Year 6 parents met at the Parkview to share the special occasion of the Year 6 Graduation celebrations at school.