From the Principal

Lisa Goldsworthy



What a great week eight! We had a very successful carols night, with a team of staff working under Ms Beven and Mr A’s leadership to pull it off. Thanks to POTS, specifically Narelle Lightfoot, Liz Zierch, Alicia Tomlin, Jewelz Lee, Jane Linsley and Megan Nertney who have been the core of POTS all year. Thanks to our extended community for coming to join us, we loved having you on campus. 


This morning we held our annual awards ceremony and again loved having our community on site. It’s amazing to see awards for not only the best academics but those who have put in effort and grown so much this year. This morning we also announced the staff who are leaving us at the end of the year: Tina Metcalfe, Sasha Cameron, Nellie Hiku and Cece Emery. We wish them all the best in their moves, and we are praying especially for Cece as she begins her journey as a teacher. 


Next week is jam packed but I remind our volunteers to check their emails for an invitation to our volunteers lunch at 1pm Thursday 8th December. Please stay on after lunch as we invite all families to join us for closing worship at 1:30pm. There may even be an encore performance of our whole school song from last night. 


The school will be open at some times during the holidays, but if you require assistance or information, please email and we will get back to you asap. If you have friends or family wishing to enrol for 2023 this is also the best contact. 


I again remind families that the best place to park is the Albrecht Drive car park. We are receiving daily complaints from the residents of Kramer St about the cars that park on the verge, completing dangerous u-turns and stopping on the yellow lines. Please help us keep our children safe and maintain a healthy relationship with our neighbours by parking in the allocated carpark and by using the pedestrian crossing.  


As this is the last formal newsletter for 2022, I would like to wish those families moving from our community well. We will especially miss our graduating class and the families whose last LW child is graduating. We welcome you to stay connected to our community and thank you for being a Living Waters supporter. A school is only as good as the people in it and we have some of the best here this year. Thanks to all families for their continued support of the school community and for trusting your children to us. Thanks to our staff who are devoted, passionate educators who have gone above and beyond for the children at our school, particularly Miss Nertney who has been a dynamo. Thank you to the Board and the Lutheran Church congregation for quietly working to support us and always keeping us in their prayers. 


As we said this morning: we are looking forward to an even better 2023. 


God Bless.


Mrs Lisa Goldsworthy


Congratulations to our 2023 Student Leaders: Abiah Bose and Thomas Sleigh.