Transition and Christmas Week
Week 8 and 9 have been super busy at OSHC.
In Week 8, all age groups experienced a smooth transition to their next year groups. This was a chance for students to begin or build a relationship with their new team leaders and other students. The middle group used fruit as art and decorated some fruit platters that they could eat after.
In Week 9 children indulged in Christmas cooking and craft that they could take home or display in OSHC. Art included wishlists, nature art and tree decorating, and cooking included gingerbread, rice bubble balls and candy cane decorating. The Year 4’s said farewell to their middle group Thursday afternoon by doing a tie-dye party. We can’t wait to see the results! It was great to see all those that joined us Tuesday night for our end-of-year OSHC party. We had a jumping castle, soft serve machine, face painting and temporary tattoos. It was a great way to end the year at OSHC.
Congratulations to all Year 6 students who graduated on Wednesday night. We loved seeing your certificates presented to you and your fantastic dancing skills. We are going to miss you so much! Year 6 students were given a picture frame with their names and memories from OSHC. Best of luck for high school and beyond. We hope you pop in and say “hi” next year.
We wish all OSHC families a safe and happy holiday!
Just a reminder that our 2022/2023 vacation care opening hours are: 7:30 am – 6:00 pm
Carpark Reminder
Just a reminder that under no circumstances should parents’ cars be driven into school property. This is for any time of the day, and all-weather conditions. This is due to safety concerns to ensure that no children are walking through the carpark with reversing cars and to avoid congestion with school and OSHC staff arriving/leaving for the day.
There is ample parking available on Magill Road, so please park there and enter via the gate and pathway when dropping off or collecting your child/ren from OSHC.
OSHC Opening Times
Before School Care: 7:00 am - 8:45 am
After School Care: 3:05 pm - 6:15 pm
Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays
2022 Fee
Before School Care: $12.00
After School Care: $21.00
Absent Text Number 0418994032
Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending
OSHC Parent Handbook https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/uploads/files/parents/A5_2021_%202022%20OSHC%20Parent%20Handbook.pdf