Curriculum, Learning & Engagement

School Wide Positive Behaviour 

Welcome to the start of a new school year. This week it's great to see students have come back ready to learn and build connections with one another. Throughout the week all classes have been learning and taking part in lessons about our four School Values of Be a Learner, Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Safe, they have also been learning about the expected behaviour in all areas on our school by following the behaviour matrix and understanding the behaviour flowchart if a unacceptable behaviour occurs. Students have also been acknowledged for some amazing behaviour in the school, by receiving a bee token.


The SWPBS approach at Woodend Primary School was developed in 2019. It is a whole school approach designed to promote and maintain a safe and orderly learning environment for all students and staff. It focuses on everyone and all settings within the school and promotes a positive focus on academic and behavioural outcomes across the school. It clearly defines our core expected behaviours, which are


Our School Values

Be a Learner- I actively take part in all school activities.

Be Respectful- I show consideration for the feelings, wishes and rights of others.

Be Responsible- I am trustworthy and I accept the consequences of what I say and do.

Be Safe- I make careful choices to protect myself and others from harm.


Behaviour Matrix

Our School Behaviour Matrix is displayed in all classrooms. Students are aware of the expected behaviour in different areas of the school.



Behaviour Flowchart

Our behaviour flowchart is displayed in all classrooms. Students are aware of the steps if they display unacceptable behaviour. After each reminder, they expected behaviour is taught to the student or group. Parents will be notified of the students behaviour, when sent to Leadership or it is a recurring behaviour.