
02.02ThursdayJulia & Kylie
03.02FridayJulia & Cathryn
08.02Wednesday2 x helpers needed
10.02Friday2 x helpers needed
15.02Wednesday2 x helpers needed
16.02Thursday1 x helpers needed
17.02Friday2 x helpers needed


Please contact me on 0411558557 should you be free to help in the canteen. There are hundreds of spots to fill. Parents, grandparents, uncles, aunties and carers are all welcome.

Two helpers are required most days so come with your partner or pal as long as you both have your WWCC.

Hours are 9am to 12.45pm.

Apart from the obvious joy your children get when you’re rostered on, a free ice treat is given to them as a token of my appreciation.

Also, please remember to update your classroom details on Qkr and always include a paper bag with your order.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all (at least once anyway)!

Canteen Manager

Jenni Rossi