AP Report

with Sarah Laidlaw

It has been a lovely start to the term and school year.


Just a few reminders following the letter sent out last week.

  1. Phones:  All students need to leave their mobile phones in their lockers during the school day.  If they are worried about leaving their phone in their locker as there are no locks on the lockers, they are welcome to leave it at the front office for the day.  If students need to make contact with anyone they can do so through the front office.  If students are not following the DET policy, teachers will follow the school policy on mobile phones.       
  2. Uniform:  Thank you to all the students that have been in full school uniform this week.  Unfortunately, there have been a few that have been out of uniform, could parents/guardians please send notes to school, this notes will be given to the Home Group teacher during Home Group by the students.  Contact may be made if there is no note or there has been multiple days that they have not been in uniform to work out a plan and supports.  
  3. Headphones/earbuds are for use in the classroom only when instructed by the classroom teacher.  They cannot be used to listen to music etc in class or at breaks.
  4. Leaving school grounds (Except Year 12):  Students are only allowed to leave school grounds for appointments.  There must be a note from home supplied to the front office.  Students are to hand this note to the staff in the front office and then sign out with the appropriate reason.  Students are not allowed to leave the school to buy lunch etc. 
  5. Canteen:  Canteen is closed on a Monday.    
  6. Water bottles:  Water bottles are welcomed and can be filled up at the cooler near the canteen.  
  7. Breakfast club:  This held on Tuesday and Thursday before school. 
  8. Hats:  To be outside during term 1 and 3 students are required to wear a hat.  The hat needs to be a brimmed hat and not a cap.
  9. Excursions/camps:  These will be published on Compass and need to be paid 2 weeks prior to leaving.  Permissions need to be given on Compass, as we are unable to take verbal permissions anymore.