Education support staff are integral members of the classroom team and they work closely alongside teachers in the delivery of daily classroom routines. They also support and assist in the delivery of educational and specialised programs for students. Each classroom has either 1 full time or maybe 2 part-time assigned ES staff members to work with the teacher and students for the year.  


The general school email address is:




All staff have individual work email addresses and will respond to communications in a timely manner within school working hours.


The school has a comprehensive emergency management plan that is known to all staff. Evacuation procedures are practiced during school time once every term.


Students are allowed to bring personal entertainment devices for use during long periods on the bus. Independent travellers are encouraged to carry a mobile phone. Jackson school encourages the responsible use of technology at all times including in our tech club at lunchtime and recess.


Students are encouraged to hand in valuable items to their teacher during the school day. Department of Education mobile phone policy states, that they must be handed to the teacher at the start of the day, to be kept in the classroom safe until home time. Mobile phones/smart watches are not to be kept in student bags or worn during the school day. The school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to these items if brought to school.


People living with epilepsy usually have seizures at unpredictable times. Because epilepsy varies so much between individuals, it is crucial that everyone understands how to support the person. An Epilepsy Management Plan documents the person's seizure types, support needs and emergency procedures. 


Jackson School requires a current epilepsy management plan to be filled out by a parent/carer and signed by a doctor for all students who have epilepsy and these need to be updated annually. If your child has also been prescribed Emergency Epilepsy Medication, a copy of the current plan and training to administer this this medication is also required by the school before they can administer it.


Excursions are organised on a regular basis and enable your child to be involved in a variety of learning experiences outside of school. No student may participate in an excursion unless written parental permission is obtained. It is important that permission notes are signed and returned to the school, together with any cost of the outing (if required). Permission notes may be in paper or electronic form through our school management system (Xuno).   All Medical Plans must be current in order for students to attend.



Throughout the year there will be incursions planned. This involves visitors/performers coming to the school to provide in school learning experiences. Parents will be notified all any planned incursions.