School camps are a regular feature of our school program. They are regarded as being part of our curriculum, and all students are expected to participate. The program provides an opportunity for students to practise independent living skills in a practical setting away from home. Blackwood Outdoor Education Centre Camp and other venues are used at times throughout the year. Parents will be given ample notice of impending camps to allow enough time to prepare both themselves and their child/ren for this wonderful experience.


Careers education and guidance are integral parts of the preparation of students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Its central focus is preparing students for choices, changes and transitions aligning with their future education, training, work and life as adult members of society. Careers Education is taught as part of the school’s Senior Secondary program; however, preparing students for a world of work upon completion of their schooling is integrated throughout all the years of school at Jackson.


Casual relief teachers assume the same responsibilities and duties as permanent teachers and are employed when a teacher is sick, on leave or attending professional development. All replacement teachers and ES have a current ‘Working with Children’ certificate.


At times, it may be necessary to change your child’s clothing at school. If relevant, can you please have a change of clothing in their bag. As we have limited supplies of spare clothing, could you please wash and return any clothes provided by the school as soon as possible.


The school encourages regular contact with parents/carers and teachers. 


Our main informal communication platform for teacher/parent & carer communication is our Seesaw app. If you need assistance to download or learn how to use Seesaw, please let your teacher or the main office know. 


Our formal communication platform with parents is through Xuno. Xuno is available through any device that has internet access. You can download the Xuno app through the Apple App Store or Google Play. See the IT Systems section for more details.


There are times during the day when teachers are unable to talk or reply to messages from parents/carers because they are teaching or have other school commitments. If you would like to speak to the teacher, parents/carers should make an appointment so they are available. The school has an ‘Open Door’ policy and encourages parent/carer participation and engagement with their child/ren’s learning. Staff will respond to communications in a timely manner within school work hours.


Sometimes, issues arise that are of concern. Rather than allow the concern to escalate, it is important to resolve the issue. Parents/carers who have a complaint should first speak with the class teacher.


Parents/carers who still feel dissatisfied can then seek resolution of any complaint by contacting the main office.


If there is a court order limiting or restricting the non-custodial parent’s contact with your child, a copy should be provided to the school. If access of one parent is denied by court order, we will work with you to always ensure the safety of your child. It is also necessary for the school to know which separated parent they are staying with at any one time and any school ‘pick up’ arrangements.  Please notify the office promptly of any changes to these arrangements.