Students may cycle to school. It is the duty of each pupil to ride with care and consideration for other road users and ensure that bicycles are properly maintained. Bicycles must not be ridden within the school grounds. They must be stored in the bike shed. The school takes no responsibility for bicycyles brought onto the school premises. Please Note: Parents are advised to provide their child/ren with a bicycle helmet and to insist this is worn correctly.


A Bike Education program is offered to students. The program is conducted within the safety of the schoolyard. The school provides bicycles and helmets. Riding skills are taught along with the major aspects of road safety.


Jackson School has a healthy breakfast program. Breakfast begins at 8.45. This is provided by the Food Bank and is prepared by Wellbeing staff in the courtyard. Students are welcome to join for breakfast as they arrive at school.

If your child requires breakfast at school, please let his/her classroom teacher know.


We have a bullying prevention program called ‘Expect Respect,’ which is taught in the classroom through our Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program. Bullying is a repeated, targeted behaviour. Bullying may include but isn’t limited to ongoing verbal and or physical threats, assault, teasing, and/or trying to isolate a peer from others. Bullying can also occur online. It can be caused by individuals or groups. We teach students what bullying is and continually reinforce and model acceptable behaviour. Members of the school community will not tolerate any form of bullying at Jackson School. 


If students live within the designated transport area (DTA), they may travel to school by bus, which is free of charge for our students. 

Applications are to be submitted to the office.

Jackson School also owns buses, which are used on some camps, excursions and work placements. The buses are maintained to a high standard and save considerable costs for parents.