School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. As the governing body, a school council can positively influence the quality of education provided to students in their school. At the Annual General Meeting, any people interested in joining the Council are asked to nominate for positions. All parents/carers are encouraged to offer themselves for election. If parents/carers wish to raise concerns at school council meetings, they should contact the Principal or School Council President.


Parent/carer contributions are generally used to purchase school supplies such as books, texts, stationery, photocopying, etc. Fees also contribute to the maintenance of our school buses. School fees are normally payable at the office.



If you are moving house and need your child to transfer to a different school, please inform your classroom teacher and/or the office staff so that the necessary transfer arrangements can be made. The Enrolment & Transitions staff member may be available to assist you in discussing another appropriate school for your child.  The release of confidential documents to the new school requires permission from the parent/carer.


Seesaw is a digital portfolio that gives you real-time glimpses into what your child is doing at school. Families gain a window into their students' learning, and it is a means to engage in home-to-school connections. It is also our main communication tool between teachers and parents. Your child/ren’s classroom teacher will send you a private message through Seesaw at the start of each year to open the line of communication through Seesaw. If you need assistance to download and use Seesaw please let your teacher know or ask for assistance at the office.


A sick child should not be sent to school. If your child has an infectious or contagious disease (see Infectious Diseases Table), please contact the school Office so you can be advised as to when your child may return to school.  The school’s records can then be kept up to date. If your child becomes ill at school or has an accident, please be prepared, if requested, to collect your child from school. You will understand that the following records at school must be kept up to date:

  • Your telephone numbers – home, work and mobile
  • Your emergency contact’s name and telephone number
  • Name and telephone number of your family doctor
COVID-195 days and no longer symptomatic
Chicken Poxuntil fully recovered
Measles4 days from the appearance of the rash
Impetigountil appropriate treatment has commenced
Mumps9 days or until the swelling goes down
Ringwormuntil appropriate treatment has commenced
Scabiesuntil appropriate treatment has commenced
Head Liceuntil appropriate treatment has commenced

For other medical reasons, if a child should be excluded from school, please contact your doctor or school.


We would suggest that you send your child in safe, well-fitted and covered shoes that are easy for the child to take off and put on at PE and PMP sessions.


Jackson has a full-time social worker whose main work is centred on connecting students and families with external family support services.


In addition to the classroom teachers at Jackson, we also have specialist teachers in the areas of STEM, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Performing Arts (Primary) and Design Technology (Secondary and Senior Secondary).


Students from Years 6 – 12 have an opportunity to apply to be a student leader. Once elected, these students can choose to be part of either the PBIS, main events or sports groups. Students in Year 6 can apply to be the primary school captain or vice-captain. Students in Year 10 can apply to be the school captain or vice-captain.

These students attend regular meetings.



Jackson belongs to the Keilor/ St. Albans Network in the South-Western Victoria Region. From this network, the school can source psychologists and social workers to support our work with students.


Jackson School is a registered SUNSMART school. Students are required to provide protection from the sun during the high-danger times of the year. Students should be provided with sun protection – sunscreen for exposed skin areas; hats with broad brim or legionnaire caps; shirts that have at least short sleeves, and, if you like, sunglasses for eye protection against the sun’s harmful rays. 


Students MUST wear hats during break times, during Terms 1 and 3 (from August) and 4.

No hat – No play during these terms