Brimbank council conduct immunisations at Jackson school every year.   The immunization program will be provided for all Year 7 and 10 students.  Consents cards will be sent home and must be completed and returned to the school as soon as possible after receiving it.


If a student has the possibility of travelling to and from school independently, a representative from the school will work with families in making the necessary arrangements. The school staff will then make the necessary arrangements for the student, i.e. travel train the student on the actual route; public transport; walking; cycling etc. An ultimate goal for all of our students is that by the end of school they will have the capacity to independently travel.


All students at Jackson School will have an Individualised Learning Plan (ILP) developed. ILP’s are developed in consultation with teachers, parents/ carers and allied health professionals. Plans aim to meet the needs of individual students while building on their abilities.


All students have the opportunity to use the Network and Internet to help them with their studies. The school electronically monitors all ICT activity so that students are safe from inappropriate sites, cyberbullying and other such unacceptable behaviour. The school accepts that on occasions the internet blocking software may

not always block inappropriate sites and requests that students bring any inappropriate sites or activity to the attention of their teacher or IT staff. The school has a code of conduct for the network and Internet which is strictly adhered to. This code of conduct is provided in the enrolment pack.


Jackson School does not have a BYOD Program. Primary students have access to iPads in each class during school hours.  Secondary and Senior Secondary students have access to iPads and laptops to complete their work.