Hands on Learning (HoL) is an innovative education program that we use to cater to the different ways young people learn, giving participants the hope and aspiration to be successful and positive at school, and to realise their potential.


This is done through the delivery of competency-based learning experiences gathering evidence to document student learning and achievement. The program aims to build strong supportive relationships for students and works to maintain student connection with their school community and assist in modifying student behaviours.


Jackson School employs a qualified staff member to run this program.


Head lice is common in all schools. Please inform your class teacher if you discover your child has head lice or nits (eggs). A Seesaw notification to parents/carers will then be sent, whilst maintaining the privacy of the child, so that all parents/carers can check and treat their children if necessary. It is recommended that students with long hair have it tied back.


Jackson has adopted and strongly encourages a healthy eating approach to daily nutrition at school. Please provide healthy selections in your child’s lunch box. 

Water is the drink of choice. Energy and soft drinks are not allowed at school.