Classroom & Curriculum News

Stephanie Alexander Garden Program

Year 1/2 

As we come to the end of 2022, we are so thrilled to have had a full year of school! We would like to thank all the students in Year 1/2 for their efforts throughout the year. We are extremely proud of each of them and their achievements. They have learnt so much and grown immensely. We look forward to seeing them all again next year. We would like to thank all the parents of the students in Year ½. They have provided us ongoing support throughout the course of the year and we are very grateful. We say farewell to James F & Arlo K and their families. We wish both boys all the very best at their new schools & wish their families well also. 

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year shared with loved ones.

Jess & Natalie


Thank you to all of the Prep students and their families on completing their first year of Primary School. I cannot believe how quickly the year has gone. It feels like only last week that they were coming in for their first day, now they are all ready for year one. I am extremely proud of all of their efforts and achievements this year and they should be too! I want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your support in guiding your child. I greatly appreciate all the support you have given me throughout the year as well. We say farewell to Maximus and his family. I wish Max all the very best at his new school & wish his family well also. 

I hope you have a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with your loved ones.



Final Sausage Sizzle

Thanks to our School Captains, Jaiden & Lila, and all the other Year 6 leaders who helped out with our final Whole School Sausage Sizzle on Wednesday. It was a fun day to celebrate the end of the year all together as a school, with an afternoon out at the movies & a gelato to finish off! 😊

3/4 Christmas Farewell

Well it is hard to believe that we have finally come to the end of the year. We would like to thank all the amazing 3/4 students for all their hard work, cooperation, kindness and friendship throughout the year. The teachers are all so very proud of their achievements with their learning. Many thanks to the parents and families for your ongoing support over the year in working together to help your child in all ways possible. We are so grateful for your support. We would also like to bid farewell to our classmate and friend Cameron who will be leaving us  to move to QLD with her family. We are grateful for your friendship and kindness and wish you all the best in your new home and school. We will miss you.

Wishing all families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and restful New Year.


Here are some thoughts from our students about what they enjoyed in 2022.

Julien: I loved all the excursions we went on to help us learn new things.

Patrick: I loved the camp the best especially the giant swing.

Matthew: I am proud of myself with getting better with my times tables.

Joseph: I am proud of the new friendships I have made in my class.

Cameron: I am proud of how much I have learnt and I am going to miss everyone.

Marley: I am grateful for my friends and for all the amazing activities the teacher organised for us like the camp, concert and excursions.

Aleksandra:I loved going to camp and making new friends.

Many thanks to everyone and see you in 2023.


Isabelle Maher, Belinda Sposato and Michele Witchell

A snap shot of some of our activities this year in 3/4.

Treehouse Tree

Some of the Year 6 girls have been working very hard since the start of Term 3 to create a tree for our Treehouse Room. It started off with Miss Tara building a wooden frame, we all then all slowly wrapped it in chicken wire, stuck newspaper onto it and then covered it in paper mache. This process took a long time as we had to wait for each paper mache layer to dry before adding more. The Year 6’s also made little mushrooms to be placed under the tree. Once the tree and mushrooms were painted we added some vines to complete the final masterpiece. 

The tree now sits in the middle of the Treehouse Room and is a beautiful feature and a forever reminder of the creative hard work these students put into it.


This tree represents different things to each of the students who worked on it:


“What the tree meant to me was that we can all grow in different directions and still be really close.” - Lexi


“We are sprouting and growing to new places just like the tree.” - Stella 


“The tree helped me get closer to my friends.” - Lucy 


“The tree is like the saying “quitters never win and winners never quit” because if we gave up we wouldn't have finished it.” - Tiana


“Working on the tree with all my friends made me feel closer to them.” - Jade


“Doing the tree was really fun because I got to do something really fun with my friends, and I got time to hang out with them.” - Toni


“It made me realise that at the end of this year we were all branching out to different places and everyone is discovering different things about themselves.” - Lila  


“The tree made me realise that everything in life will never be perfect just like the branches on the tree.” - Ashley


"We are all growing apart but all connected to the same roots- Matisse


“I learnt a lot while watching and helping the students work on this tree and I hope they can take some of these points away with them… Stay grounded… Remember your roots and where it all started… Bend before you break… Keep growing.” - Miss Tara 




Merry Christmas

Buon Natale


As Christmas/Natale is around the corner, the children have been learning about the cultural celebrations and traditions in Italy during this festive time.  We have been talking about ‘La Befana’ and understanding her role during Christmas.  I am sure your children have told you all about the traditional Christmas cake ‘IL Panettone’ and the celebration of the birth of baby Jesus/Gesu’ bambino.  The nativity scene / ’il presepio’ displayed in churches, homes, town squares etc…  The importance of celebrating this special event as a family and having a Merry Christmas.

We congratulate all the children for their outstanding work throughout the year and their enthusiasm in learning another language.

Happy holidays and keep safe!

Buon Natale e Buon Anno!

Farewell and good luck to all year 6 students, as they begin their next chapter in life, to a new journey that will bring many hopes and dreams.  Farewell and good luck to all the families who are moving on to new adventures. Wishing you all the very best!  Thank you for all your support and great memories!!!!

Miss Natalina Paglianiti