The Principal's Desk

Dear parents, families and friends,


Well, we made it!! A full year of uninterrupted school. Looking back over the year it is amazing how much we have done and how much we achieved. It is also hard to believe how quickly the year went by.

The Year 6 Class of 2022 Graduated this week. We wish them the very best for the next stage in their lives, secondary school. For their families that also leave us, some after many years and multiple children attending St. Augustine's we say good-bye and good luck. In spirit and memory you will remain an important part of the St. Augustine's community and story. A big thank you to Wonder Bao and the Wong family for providing the catering on the evening, the delicious food topped off a fantastic evening.

For those students (Cameron, James, Arlo and Maximus) and their families leaving us to move to new suburbs or states, we wish you the very best of luck.


Birmingham Street Park

Due to the recent bad weather and some unforeseen challenges underground the Birmingham Street Park Project has been delayed. The new expected completion date is April 2023, so by the end of Term 1 or by the start of Term 2. The contractors will be finishing on the 23rd December 2022 and returning on the 9th of January. During that time they hope to be able to work on all the footpaths surrounding the site. It is disappointing that the park won't be ready for the start of the new school year, however, it will be worth it in the end.


Flat Panel Screens

The Flat Panel TV Screens will be installed in all learning areas next week. Thank you to John for offering his services to complete this job at a greatly reduced rate. Thank you to Phil, Elesia, Julien and Adam who volunteered their time last Saturday to help remove the existing outdated Interactive Whiteboards.


School improvement Plan

Attached below is the School Improvement Plan for the next 4 years. It broadly highlights the goals we have for the school and the steps/actions we will take to achieve these goals to sustain continuous school improvement.


Christmas Raffle

The 2022 School Christmas Raffle was drawn today. Congratulations to the following children/families who were the lucky winners:

1st Place: James L 1/2 J

2nd Place: Jaiden 5/6 B

3rd Place: Oscar Mo 1/2 J


Thank you to the Parent Committee for organising this final fundraiser for the Year. Thank you again to all parents involved with the Parent Committee throughout the year. Please read the Parent Committee page as there is a summary of the year.


We are on Instagram:









Please read the School News page with important information about some changes to school and bell times for 2023.


Please ensure you read each page of the newsletter. You never know what little gems you may discover!!

The St. Augustine's Parish Christmas Timetable is included in the Faith News Page for your reference. I encourage all families to attend mass either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day to celebrate the Birthday of Jesus and to thank God for all that he has given us.

Taking a step back from all the busyness and craziness at this time of year, it is important to remember that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. There would be no Christmas without the birth of Jesus. It is a time of giving to others, being with family and trying to bring peace into the world. When you wake up on Christmas morning, before opening presents, eating a mince pie or snacking on crackling, remember to say 'Happy Birthday Jesus!'

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a restful summer break. May the peace of the Christ Child be with you and your family.

I look forward to seeing you all again when I return towards the end of Term 1.


Kind regards,


Matthew Stead
