Celebrating student work Health & PE 

2022 Health & PE in the Gymnasium

We have had a big year in Health and PE this year, particularly in in our new gymnasium. Having this facility has allowed us to expand our PE practical program, giving more opportunity to students to play and learn a variety of skills in new sports. We have also had a lot of external coaches come out and deliver lessons to students on specific sports including Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball & Wheelchair Basketball. We also held most of our activities during Health and PE Day in the gym including an epic battle of dodgeball between the staff and students. It has been a great year in our department using this great facility!




Ultimate Frisbee Clinic – Health & Physical Education

A select few Year 7 & 8 classes were given the opportunity to participate in Ultimate Frisbee sessions delivered by external coaches from Ultimate Victoria. Students developed their skills in the sport including catching a frisbee, backhand and forehand throw and learning the rules of the game. Students then progressed to playing and participating in the sport of Ultimate Frisbee.



Wheelchair Basketball – Physical Education

We were lucky enough to have Basketball Victoria come out and run two wheelchair basketball sessions in the gym with a select few Year 7 & 8 classes. Students were given the opportunity to play wheelchair basketball and develop their basketball skills whilst in a wheelchair. Students took a lot out of the sessions understanding the physicality of playing the popular Paralympic sport.

Mr Stewart