VCE Success

Results and offers
The 2022 VCE and VCAL results were released late last year, and overall our students have done themselves proud. It was truly an amazing effort all round!
The College Dux for 2022 is Ali Khaled (pictured left). He is going to study Chiropractive/ Health Sciences at RMIT.
Ali was also a worthy joint winner of the Australian Defence Force Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork award, so we are sure Ali has an amazing future ahead of him.
A total 71 per cent of students who sought a tertiary place received a first round offer. Many Year 12 graduates were able to gain a higher preference placement during further rounds.
Glenroy College students have accepted University and TAFE places in courses such as Biomedical Science, Business, Nursing, Information Technology, Legal Studies, Education and more.
This is an increase from the previous year and a testament to the resilience and hard work of each and every one of our students, not to mention the herculean efforts of Glenroy College staff and the families who supported them all the way through.
Glenroy graduate wins university scholarship
Syrian refugee Amal Alnakoula is a true Glenroy College success story. The once-shy teen, who didn’t know a single word of English when she lined up for her first day of secondary school back in 2017, is now studying biomedical science.
But that’s not all for this quiet achiever. Amal is also is the proud double recipient of the Tali Sklan Refugee Scholarship. This special prize recognises outstanding achievement and is awarded to Glenroy College alumni from a refugee background who perform well in VCE and go on to study at university.
Amal, now 19, is in her second year of a three-year biomedical science degree at Deakin University’s Burwood campus and it is the second year she has received scholarship support. Read more about Amal's journey from refugee camp to university campus on the Glenroy College website.