Garnet Community
Wow! Term 1 surely is flying by and we can’t believe it is already past the halfway mark. The 5/6 students in Garnet have made a fantastic start to the year by building strong relationships with their teachers and peers, participating in a range of getting to know you activities and creating expectations for the year.
Interschool Sports for Term 1 is in full swing with students exploring Basketball, Teeball, Tennis, Cricket and Volleystars. The first game against Bellbridge in Week 4 was a fantastic opportunity for students to practise their skills in preparation for summer Gala Day on March 23rd.
Important reminders:
Each Monday students will receive a home learning sheet in their Homework Book. This will have Numeracy activities, a Spelling activity and a Writing task (Passion Project). Students are also expected to read for 20 minutes x 5 nights each week and record this in their diary. This needs to be signed by a parent and will be checked as part of the home learning on Mondays.
Diaries and homework will be checked every Monday. Students who don’t complete their required homework and reading may be asked to spend time inside at break time to catch up.
Students are required to wear full school uniform each day, including a sunsmart hat.
TSPS Girls’ Night In is coming - March 11th! Stay tuned for more information to come on this wonderful event.
Some important dates for the term are:
Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday March 9th
Girls’ Night In Event - Wednesday March 11th
School Cross Country - Friday March 20th
Summer Gala Day - Monday March 23rd
End of Term 1 (early finish) - Friday March 27th
Courtney, Terry, Lee and Amelia