Principal's Message
Welcome to the 2020 School Year
Incredibly we are already 4 weeks into the school year for 2020 and what a wonderful start it has been. We ended 2019 on a high with wonderful events in the last week including two sets of end of year concerts, Yr 6 Graduation and a very well attended Family Picnic. Many families attended many events in that last week of the school year. How wonderful to come together to celebrate our beautiful children in such joyous ways. I thank all the families who came along for their attendance, support and participation, all which builds a real sense of community. At the last assembly of the 2019 school year we recognised and congratulated Aarav Charan as the recipient of the Lalor Local Hero for our school community- an award given by the office of Jo Ryan (Federal MP for Lalor) in recognition of contributions made by an individual to create change for positive reasons.
Farewelling and Welcoming Staff
With each new school year and within any given school year there is always some teaching staff movement as teachers gain promotions, move schools to experience different settings, or even to be closer to home.Last year we farewelled a number of staff and this year we welcome new colleagues. Some staff members will continue in seconded positions for another 12 months- Jess Dando and Demi Isles will remain at Lara Primary School for 2020. Lachlan Scott has a secured an ongoing position at Lara PS and we wish him well. I acknowledge the work and commitment of the following colleagues who will not be with us at TSPS in 2020.- Dee Najdenovski, Lorrelle Schwarze, Jacinta Porter, Genn Collier, Sueanne O'Connell, Stewart Spencer, Sarah Mc Loughlin, Lisa Anderson, Nathaniel Meilak, Callum Crocker, James Headlam, Anne Doan, Mitchell Gabriel and Holly Cicino.
A warm welcome back Cass Beckman, Craig Wiese, Liz Mc Lean, Terry van Zyl, Jess Psaila, Jackie Taylor and Kira Draheim.
An extra special welcome to our new colleagues Stephanie Johns, Gordon Webb, Tolga Kanbur, Rebecca Turnbull, Renee Griffin, Meghan Smith, Kathleen Davey and Levina Rahardjo.
We also welcome quite a number of new students in Years 1-6 and are delighted to welcome all our Prep students and their families as they begin their schooling journey. It was wonderful to meet so many families on the first day of school for our Preps. These students are settling into their life and school, forging new friendships, learning classroom routines and venturing out into the large world of the playground.
I commend all my colleagues for establishing learning spaces that are settled and calm and where rich teaching and learning is happening everyday.
School Council Nominations
There are four (4) nominations currently available for parents of students at Truganina South who may be interested in joining School Council. The process involves parents/ carers nominating self or others who might like to be part of our School Council. Nominations close Tuesday 29 February at 4.00pm.The positions are for 2 years (2020 and 2021). Details of how to nominate and where to collect nomination forms have been posted on both Facebook and Compass as well as our electronic signboard. The Council meets on a Wednesday evening from 6.30pm- 8.15pm. Being on Council gives insight into the daily running of the school and ensures that processes and decisions are supportive of our students, families and the vision of the school. The dates set aside for School Council meetings in 2020 are :
26th February
25th March - Annual General Meeting (new Council's first meeting)
29th April
27th May
29th July
19th August
16th September
14th October
18th November
9th December – End of Year Celebration Dinner
Please consider.
A reminder that instruction begins at 8.50am everyday. Students should not be at school before 8.30am but are able to enter classrooms to prepare for the commencement of instruction at 8.40am.
Late passes are issued after the bellat 8.50am. Please build habits of punctuality. If a student is late every morning for 10 minutes, that equstes to almost 1 hour a week of instruction. Multiple that by 40 weeks of a school year and that is a lot of learning missed. It is also disruptive to the instruction of the other students as teachers need to stop working with the other students already settled into the learning space to re introduce instruction to latecomers. Please ensure your students are at school on time.
Parents and carers may have witnessed the presence of Highway Patrol Police vehicles and Council Patrol vehicles lately along Parkvista Drive and Federation Boulevard. Ultimately it is not the responsibility of the school to monitor and patrol traffic but our duty of care to the safety of children as they are dropped off at school in the mornings and exit school to return home safely in the afternoon makes this a responsibility we take very seriously. My colleagues and I patrol the drop off zones to ensure safety. At times we find ourselves at risk too because of decisions made by adults at these crucial times of day at these points of collection. I also ask that parents and students do not enter the school through the teachers' car park. This is not a public access area- it is for staff only. As we start the new year I again remind you all to exercise patience, respect the road rules and model the correct ways to cross the road (at the crossings).
Please make sure students alight from the car on the footpath side of the vehicle. Do not double park. Do not block other cars in. Do not park and leave cars in the 2 minutes drop off bays. Note also that there are No U Turn signs so avoid making U turns. Please do not park in our neighbours driveways. that is private property. The police and council will continue to fine and we will continue to patrol to the best of our ability to ensure all children are safe.
Lunar New Year Festival 2020
On Saturday February 8 a number of our students performed at the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival at the Point Cook Town Centre. Joined by their parents, the students sang a song in Mandarin. They looked wonderful in their Chinese costumes. The day before this event these students shared their performance at the first whole school assembly for the new year. Our Chinese dragon also made an appearance at both events. A number of students and colleagues celebrated the new year by dressing in Chinese costumes, or by wearing the colour red. A few even ventured in as 'mice and rats' acknowledging that 2020 is the Year of The Rat. A huge thank you to Yuanbin for preparing these students on very short notice. Thanks also have to be given to the parents who supported the Lunar New Year festivities at Point Cook Town Centre- some finding themselves up on stag with their children!
Xīnnián kuàilè (Happy new Year)
Ed Connect
I am proud of the association we have with EdConnect. This is an organisation that works with people in our community who which to volunteer in schools. Over the past few years we have had a number of wonderful volunteers. All who have been trained, screened and inducted by this organisation. All have been a wonderful addition in our school as they work in classrooms and with students, guided by their teachers. Below is some information about the organisation and its work. You may know someone who would be interested in helping make a positive difference in a young person's life.
Become an EdConnect Volunteer.
About EdConnect
EdConnect has been training volunteers in schools across Australia for over 20 years, providing a vital safety net and springboard for young people who might otherwise struggle to realise their potential.
Schools are often overburdened, under resourced and don't have the support or assistance they need. They rely heavily on the generosity of their local community members so that the children attending have a safe and congenial learning environment.
How you can help
Volunteers give a minimum 1 hour per week, for minimum 6 months commitment.
There are 2 ways you can help:
- Mentor Program: One-on-one support for students who are at-risk of becoming disengaged at school.
- Learning Support: Offering help in classrooms such as numeracy, reading, science, art, language, or simply helping around the school such as in the library, kitchen, or gardens.
These positions require someone who could be a role model for a young student. Our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, you may be a retiree, a stay at home parent, a university student or someone looking to give back. Experience in a school is not compulsory but you do need to be supportive, compassionate, positive, understanding and have a genuine interest in helping young people to succeed.
The rewards
You'll share your skills, knowledge and experience that can transform a child's life and academic outcomes. In the process you have the opportunity to make new friends, make a difference in the community and gain a sense of satisfaction and wellbeing too.
If this sounds like it might be right for you, visit our website and register your interest. Or call us on 1800 668 550.
I acknowledge the work carried out by Rhonda Velkovski in overseeing the program. As the expression goes, "It takes a village to raise a child".
Our Swim Team- on Monday TSPS sent a small but determined team of swimmers to the District Swimming Competition. I am proud to say our teams came first on the day returning to school with the perpetual trophy. Well done to Lee and Robbie for the early morning swim trials to select our team and to Chugg and Ainsley who supported the swimmers on the day. Fantastic effort!
Cooper Haynes- On February 12 I was very humbled to be invited to a presentation ceremony for Cooper at the 2nd Werribee Cubs where he received the highest accolade as part of the Cubs. Cooper achieved the Grey Wolf Badge- earned completely by the cub and signifies a dedication to the scouting movement. A huge effort.
Welcome Mathew Montebello
Mathew Montebello is Assistant Principal at WilliamstoWn Primary School who undertaking a program that supports the development of aspirant Principals. He will be carrying our a five wee internship at our school I love working with colleagues from other schools as I also gain so much from sharing their experiences. If you see Mat around the school please say hello.
Yours in Education
Linda Danese. (Principal)