Pastoral Care News

Four little letters which can save a life…..R U OK? Last Friday, the Wellbeing Committee hosted a workshop and conducted activities as part of our annual acknowledgement day for the R U OK? campaign. This highly successful day equips students and staff with skills that may make a significant difference to reducing the stigma associated with poor mental health and perhaps even save a life. Over $600 was raised during lunchtime and funds will be presented to R U OK? so they can continue to share their message and support those in our community who are struggling.




Students had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the recommended four steps checklist by first starting a conversation and then following these simple conversation steps to show their friend or peer that they’re supported not only at school but also within the community with many appropriate services available.

Students and staff also had the opportunity to create their own emoji which will be part of a collaborative artwork which will be created early next term and exhibited within the school grounds to serve as a visual reminder each and every day to ask R U OK?


The committee, as well as Mr John Martin; who has a long association with our school, along with Mr Hillam and Mr Neville, also volunteered their services at the community R U OK breakfast. With students providing table service and the staff, music and entertainment enhancing the atmosphere of the morning. Organisers of the event were extremely grateful for the contribution made by our volunteers and commented on what wonderful ambassadors they are for our school.


Transition to MCC Day

Everyone belongs” and “There is something for everyone at MCC” were two of the themes that our year 10 volunteers adopted as part of “Transition to MCC Day” activities held this week for our perspective 2020 Year 7 students. Focusing on Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, the students identified the many extra-curricular activities which are available here at MCC; covering sport, art, drama, annual acknowledgement days, community service initiatives, lunch time activities and games groups; reinforcing that new students can always find a group where they may meet kindred spirits and develop new friendships with the increase volume of peers.


The students also identified the many different avenues for support, whether it be emotional, spiritual or practical available at school and tips for adjusting to life at high school. Many of the topics will be reinforced during “Oh Day” and also when they commence in 2020 however all students; both new and old enjoyed the opportunity to create new friendships and increase their self-confidence


Thank you to everyone who have donated to our “Pyramids for Puppies” activity thus far. The activity will be finalised on Thursday 26th Sept when homerooms will have the opportunity to build their pyramid in the 7/8 area during homeroom for judging. Winners will be announced, with prizes being given on the final day of term. The C.A.T will also hold a sausage sizzle/ cake/bake stall with all funds raised being donated directly to NEEDY PAWS.

Good Luck Year 11

Finally, we wish all of Year 11 the best as they commence their exams next week.  Exams can increase individuals stress levels so I hope that students continue to follow a healthy study/life balance and take some time for self-care.


Regards Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)