Director of Missions

I would like to think that we are a school that creates connections and builds community through fostering creativity and conversations. A community that does this and has fruitful discussions in collaboration around the path to a bright future. Will find it.

Marian has fostered these attributes in its community in the past two weeks and the future looks bright.

Visit from the Soroptimists International Griffith

Representatives Julie Andreazza and Adele Deane, from Soroptomist International came to the school on Thursday morning to tell the year 12 girls about the $1500 scholarship they are offering. The scholarship is designed to support female students from the Riverina with any part of their tertiary studies. In the past successful recipients have used the scholarship to buy necessary equipment that carry a financial burden such as text books, laptops or to towards accommodation while living away from home. The scholarship is fostering their message of women supporting women and will be a great opportunity for any year 12 girl interested in applying. More information can be found through the link below.

Soroptimist Facebook Page

R U Ok? Day

In the element of service and care Marian staff and students went above and beyond to emphasise the importance of this day and its message. With the guidance of Sue Hone and the Wellbeing Team the school engaged in a day of activities last Friday, with a special goal in mind that will be unveiled soon. I spoke about this briefly on the AP page but wanted to elaborate on it further here to celebrate the effort that was made.

Our students created activities for the whole school and did a marvellous job. They used their creativity and power of conversation to ensure that we have a bright future, as I mentioned above, here at the College. If this was not enough they were also present on Thursday to help out with the local breakfast raising awareness and giving witness to our vision and mission once again. A great job by everyone involved and enjoy the photos below.


Transition Day – Spirituality at

Marian Catholic College

In my second year as Director of Mission I had the privilege of facilitating the Spirituality Workshop to over 160 prospective primary students on Tuesday and Wednesday. We discussed our faith and what it means to all of us. We learnt about what that looks like at Marian and the primary students were introduced to the school song and prayer through fun engaging activities. There was two messages I wanted the students to walk away with and they were that at Marian faith is fun and Marian is family. The feedback was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity. I would also like to highlight the fantastic assistance I had from Yr 9 students such as Alice MacRae, Breanna Restagno, Georgia Minato, Karoua Kaibwa, Jayden Skirving and Lexi Salvestro amongst others who did a magical job and represented Marian with pride. Thank you very much.


Marian Mission Work this term.

Once again I would like to remind everyone about our Pyramids for Puppies focus for our charitable work in our homerooms. There has been unbelievable progress and it makes me so happy to walk around in the mornings and see the effort the students are making. It was stated on facebook how amazing our students are and the culture of kindness we are creating here. I cannot agree more with these statements. Remember, for less than a dollar you can supply a can of dog food and that is all that we are asking for this term. Thank you for your support.

Up Coming Events

Caritas Just Leaders Day is this coming Monday where over 20 of our Yr 10 leaders will take part of a program with students from St Francies on leadership in social justice. We are looking forward to this day.

McCauley Feast day celebration news will also be covered in our next newsletter.

As always, have a great weekend and remember to be in touch if you have any questions, queries or suggestions around how we can continue to enhance your Marian through Mission.


Kind Regards

Heath Neville

Director of Mission