Assistant Principals News

It has been another busy two weeks of learning, leading and teaching at Marian Catholic College. Exams, Revision Subject Selections, Support Nights and Reports are just some of the important things happening at our School.


I first want to thank all the Year 11 and 12 parents and students that made the effort to attend the Stage 6 Support Night in Week 6. The number of Year 11 parents and students in particular is to be commended. Students and parents engaged in sessions on Post School options, Scholarships and University entry (Year 12) and Study tips, Curriculum expectations and Well being (Year 11). I thank the presenters and Pastoral Coordinators for their preparation and organisation.


Year 11 have now completed their face to face classes for the Preliminary Course and will have two weeks of Exams to finish. I encourage all students to engage in meaningful study and revision by first reflecting on their learning style. Some students need to read study notes aloud, others prefer handwritten repetition, some construct visual diagrams and graphics and others like to listen to themselves recorded orally identifying some key points. By students finding what works for them now, they will become more effective learners moving into their HSC year.


These exams will not only be a test of student preparation but also of their ability to manage time. It is vital that students are familiar with exam structures, questions, marks and time allocations so that they can best manage their time and complete all of the examination sections.


Year 12 students still have one week of guided teacher - in class revision and activities. Students should now have collated their exam feedback and made some observations, reflections and goals for improvement. Students should be meeting with their mentor next week to discuss their plan for improvement.


The Final Year 12 Assembly will be held on Wednesday 25th September from 10am.


On Monday, Marian witnessed 10 extraordinary candidates give their speeches for College Captain and it was inspiring to see the values and vision they had for every facet of the school. Their passion and Marian spirit was clear and articulated with conviction and authenticity. The future is exciting with the standard of leadership all of these students demonstrated throughout the process thus far. Congratulations to all those who took the courage to apply and speak in front of their peers.


Marian also hosted its final transition days this week with over 160 primary students attending the two day program. The program focused on Spirituality and Wellbeing and what they both look like at Marian. It was extremely pleasing to see the Yr 10 and 9 students who volunteered and ran certain sessions throughout the day. There was some great feedback from the visiting teachers and it is an initiative that the school is very proud of its progress and importance for the future students. Thank you to all that were involved. 


Lastly, we acknowledge the importance that mental health plays in our Marian community and this was the focus for our R U Ok? Day celebrations that was facilitated by our Yr 11 Wellbeing Team. They promoted an important message to the junior students and once again we would like to thank all those who participated throughout the day to assist in building the positive culture and demonstrating that Marian cares. 


Yours in learning,


Damien Herb and Heath Neville

Co Assistant Principals