Principal News

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends, 


The end of Term 3 is fast approaching and as always, the staff and students are busily living our Mission by demonstrating their continued commitment to living the faith, showing our care through active service, while maintaining a clear focus on our core business of learning.  This is demonstrated clearly by our annual Professional Development focus on Lyn Sharratt’s Learning Collaborative where we strive to ‘know our students’ and tailor our teaching to the individual needs of all in our classrooms.


Year 12 are driving towards their final weeks at the College and are finishing off their final assessments and course work to ensure the successful completion of their Higher School Certificate. Our HSC Drama students successfully completed the practical marking component of their course, while our Music students will be assessed early next week. Thanks go to our dedicated Creative Arts team for overseeing the process and supporting our students through this process.


Year 12’s final week activities will give them an opportunity to celebrate as a year group while spending valuable time with their Pastoral Coordinators, both past and present, as well as the teachers that have contributed so much to their academic and personal success. This will culminate with their final assembly where the whole College community will farewell them in our usual style.


Our Year 11 Wellbeing Committee embodied our focus on ‘Care’ by hosting our annual RU OK? Day Event. They facilitated a rotation of relevant workshops for our Year 10 students and ran a whole school art activity during P5. The purpose of this activity was for all students to create an individual element that will be added to a large mural to be permanently displayed at the College to embody the RU OK Day message. The resources for the mural have been funded by a $1000 grant the College received.  Our Year 10 students also demonstrated their ‘service’ to the wider community by selling Legacy Badges and Daffodils to raise awareness and provide support for various charities. 


The third installment of our Year 6 Transition program also took place this week. Students from local Primary schools undertook activities around the Pastoral/Wellbeing support they will receive over their years at Marian as well as fun filled activities around our College Mission. As always the positive buzz from the students was contagious with many of our Year 10 helpers and staff clearly enjoying the time they spent with the Year 6’s. We look forward to our full Oh Day program next term.


To finish, I would like to wish our Yr 11 students all the best in their Preliminary examinations that will be held over the next fortnight. The students have been working hard with their teachers to ready themselves, I have no doubt that their dedication and hard work will be rewarded. 

Best wishes for an enjoyable and safe weekend.


Mrs Lora Segrave (Acting Principal)