Year 7 News

It’s been a fantastic first term in Year 7!

Welcoming 248 new members to the college community has its challenges but by living our College values of Community, Ownership and Growth, our students now feel comfortable and ready to learn in their new environment. Immersion Week was devoted to giving our Year 7s an understanding of our school, our expectations and our values.


Throughout the week, students completed a range of team activities including: Amazing Race, Rock Climbing, Trivia, Team Building Games and Cultural Awareness. Students also learnt about the importance of having a ‘Growth Mindset’ towards their learning and showing resilience during challenging times. Within the classroom, the focus for the year 7 community has been arriving to their learning space ‘Ready to Learn.’ For our students, this means having their equipment, being in full school uniform, arriving to class on time and having a growth mindset towards their learning.


We would like to congratulate our year 7s on their learning growth and behaviour in term 1 and wish them a safe and happy holiday.


The Year 7 Team