Wellbeing Officer

From the Student Wellbeing Officer


Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.


Life is so fast paced, and each year appears to gallop by faster than the last.  It is so easy to get pulled into the rat race, run from one thing to the next, and take those in our world for granted.  The truth is that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any one of us.  We tend to live as though we have all the time in the world.

Occasionally we get a taste of our mortality when someone we know dies.  These are the events in life which can cause us to take stock and decide to make the most of every opportunity and not take each other for granted.  But over time we get consumed by the rat race once again and the moment of clarity which we had gets swallowed up in the day to day routine of life and living.


Once we can truly recognise our own mortality, and realise that the clock is ticking every day, wouldn’t we forgive the person who has wronged us?  Love the person who hates us?  Spend all our time in laughter and making the world a better place?  The only thing guaranteed in this life is that at some point we won’t be here anymore.  Everything in between is up to us.  So today, let go of all the trivial things that we spend so much time in life fussing over and let’s remind ourselves that we are capable of so much more than we think we are.


Sometimes it’s hard to see the “good” in a day, a situation, or even in another person!  But it’s there, even if it’s not always obvious or apparent straightaway!  Let’s resolve to be people who attempt to see the “good” in each day, situation, and person in our sphere, and let’s not take each other or life for granted.  Let’s be people who don’t become so consumed with the petty things that we find that life has passed us by.


And may your inner voice be the kindest voice you know.


Tracey McGlashan

Student Wellbeing Officer