A Word from the Principal

A warm welcome to our community

Well, the cold weather has hit with a vengeance. We have been so blessed over the last few weeks with the most glorious weather for the end of Autumn, but as Winter approaches we will be needing to remind the students to wear their winter uniform and layers.  Remember the classrooms are warm, but when they go outside a jacket would be handy.  It has been alarming this week to see students wearing summer dresses and shorts and tops.  It is too cold for this and they all need to be in winter uniform to keep warm.  


We have had quite a bit of illness around this last fortnight, affecting both students and staff.  If your child is sick and you think they would be infectious, please keep them home.  This will help to decrease the chances of the infection spreading throughout the class.  Your help with this would be appreciated.


On the flip side of student absences,  it is important to remind parents that we heavily discourage children being taken out of school during the term for family holidays.  In looking at our data for student absences, it has been noted by the Department that our levels of holidays at Weeden Heights,  where children have been taken out of school is too high.  So, we are formally bringing this to the attention of parents. Illness is fine, but absences due to family holidays is to be discouraged if possible.  It would be great if you could consider this when planning your breaks.

School Disco


Thank you to the PFA who organised and ran the annual school disco for our students.  The night was fantastic and the hall was an amazing space for our best dance moves!  It was lit up with flashing lights, dancing students and PFA members who were supporting our children to have a great night.  It was a fabulous event that bought us all together for some fun.  Hopefully you have all seen some of the photos on Instagram and Facebook.  Thanks again to all those committed parents who were involved in all aspects of the event. 

Working Bee: Buildings and Grounds Sub Committee


Just a reminder that there is a working bee on Sunday 23 June.  The School Council would greatly appreciate any support from anyone who could spare an hour or two.  It’s also a great way to get to know our parents and make a difference to our school.  Thanks in advance. 

Working With Children Checks 


A friendly reminder that all parent helpers (in the classroom, kitchen/garden program and those who attend excursions/camps as a parent helper) are required to obtain a volunteer Working with Children Check Card.   Please bring into the school office your card as proof and you will be added to the Working With Children Register.  A huge thank-you to the parents who have already presented the school with their WWCC or updated WWCC. 


It is very easy to apply so please apply via the following link:

http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/applications/   If you require any support to do this then please contact the office.

Late Arrivals

I would like to point out that school commences at 9.00am and ALL students should be at school before

that time so they are ready to start the day promptly.   Classroom doors open at 8.50am to give our students a chance to settle in before the day begins.  It also gives students a chance to reconnect with their friends before class starts and that means they are able to focus on their learning from the beginning of the school day. 


Please remember that lateness is included on our school reports like absences.   Lateness can be more disruptive to a student’s learning than an actual absences.  If student are late then they miss the instructions for the whole day.  Lateness has a significant impact on student learning. 

Reports and 3-Way Partnership Meetings

Just a reminder that student reports will be sent home in the last week of school.  Teachers are currently completing mid-year assessments and writing reports.


Each year we have student led conferences that promotes a conversation around student learning backed up with evidence in the student learning portfolio.  This conversation involves parents, students and the classroom teacher.  These are conducted in the second week of term 3 after you have had the opportunity to go through your children’s reports.  As usual, you will need to book in through the online booking process. 

Online Student Reports

The school is working towards online reports and this should be in place by the end of the year.  Going paperless will support other areas of the school as we strive to be more sustainable.  It also gives all parents access to the report and a soft copy that can be stored and kept. 

Mrs Mikus' Retirement

Mrs Mikus has officially notified me that after working at Weeden Heights Primary School for the last 19 years she will be retiring at the end of this term.  Anne has worked with all year levels and hundreds of students over the years in classrooms, on camps, in our OSHC program and traveled overseas with our exchange program.


Anne has made significant contributions to our to our school as a staff member and parent.  She is a kind and caring staff member who we all will miss and I know that Anne has thoroughly enjoyed her time at Weeden.  We wish you all the very best in your retirement Anne and enjoy your travel and time to spend with your family and friends.  

                                                                   Good Luck and best wishes Anne!

Tours and enrolments for 2019

I continue to conduct school tours each week for families interested in attending Weeden Heights PS or have already enrolled.  Please encourage your friends and neighbours to return their enrolment forms for the 2019 Foundation year students to our office because they are now due. 


Our highly successful Bright Beginnings transition program will commence this Friday. We are still taking enrolments and don’t want you or any future families to miss out on the opportunity to come to our wonderful school.   

Until next time,


Ms Kylie Campbell


Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights!