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Overdue books

We currently have more than 120 books overdue and overdue lists have been sent to classrooms.

Lost or Damaged Library Books

If a student has lost a school book, please let the school/teacher know as soon as possible.

The student will become a “Restricted Borrower” which means they can no longer borrow more than one book at a time.

· If a student has a book on loan for more than 10 weeks (approx. 1 term), they will also be added to the Restricted Borrowers.

· If a book is damaged, please do not throw it out!  Return the book to the library as soon as possible so it can be logged as returned, then repaired if possible or written off. 


Thank you for the many donations of books we have received throughout the year!

The library always welcomes donations of all types of books in good condition if you are having a clear out and wondering where to send them...

We will process the books and, if necessary, distribute them around the school (ie; Kinder, OSHC) to where we feel they will be of best use.