Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,


This is our last newsletter for the term. The staff would like to thank parents for their flexibility and understanding with the changes that COVID brought into schools. Supervision strategies and promoting hygiene requirements has involved staff, parents and students working together and your support has been appreciated.

The Health Department is promoting vaccination in students and I have attached one of their posts that have been forwarded to schools.

Vaccination for students

COVID-19 vaccines are free and available for children aged 5 years and older. 

As we move into the school holidays, vaccination is the best thing you can do to keep your children and family safe while reducing the spread of COVID-19 in the community.

We know parents and carers have questions and want more information. 

Here are some fast facts to help you make an informed decision about COVID-19 vaccination.

Visit Roll up for WA or Vaccine Clinic Finder to find and book your child’s COVID-19 vaccine today.

Year Six Fundraising.

Our Year Six parent committee conducted their first fundraiser this week. Funds raised during the year will go towards the Year 6 camp at the end of Term Three. Thank you for supporting this Bake sale which raised approximately $750.00


Gilberts has been a great supporter of the school. Their shopping card enables funds raised to go to schools. In the last period presentation of this card at the shop by parents and community who signed up, has resulted in $592.00 being forwarded to the school. These funds will go towards $1500 kindly donated by the P&C to have a 1-100 tables chart painted on the bitumen along with another number recognition target. Of the 28 schools in the programme, White Gum Valley PS received the highest amount. Thank you for your support.

Term Two.

With the Health Department providing changes for the start of term, schools are looking at ways of undertaking various gatherings and activities. A letter from the Education Department coming home outlines generally what will be possible. Our term planner will be subject to change.

Staff Leaving.

Mrs Wells who has worked for several years at White Gum Valley across many year levels has decided to retire. A function on Thursday morning was held to acknowledge the dedication to the wellbeing and growth of students by Mrs Wells, mentoring of staff and commitment to many school committees including being our lead teacher for Science and her work with commemorative assemblies like Remembrance Day and ANZAC Services. I am sure you will join with the staff to wish Vicki all the best.

We have just been notified that Mrs Rodgers who works in our Year ¾ class has been selected for a Principalship for the remainder of the year. We congratulate Mrs Rodgers on this achievement and wish her all the best as she moves to the Midwest.

Successful Lotteries Grant.

The school has been successful in applying for an Arts grant that will run for six months and involve all of our students and staff in some way. A well-known local artist Jenny Dawson, will work with the school to develop a lasting fired tile mural to go onto one of our walls. The submission was coordinated by Nyanda Smith a member of our P&C. Our thanks to Nyanda for the many hours spent researching and writing up a proposal.


Along with the support for the painting of the games on the bitumen the P&C has also agreed to cover a Science incursion at about the same time as Science week in term 3. More information will come home closer to time regarding this event which promises to be very exciting.

School Grounds.

Our new playground space is starting to take shape. Students have been watching on with a great deal of interest. It is hoped that it will be completed by the end of April. As mentioned in our previous newsletter there was a small cubby structure that had to be removed from the final plan due to an increase in costs. If anyone is able to assist please contact the office.

We are also looking at putting in place a second set of dual netball/basketball posts in the courts area due to the large increase in interest in both sports. It is hoped this will be completed early in term 2. Our thanks to the Longley family for the recent addition of chain nets.

Our school health nurse will be working out of the Playgroup/HORIZONS building in the first week of the Break undertaking annual checks with the Kindy students from Hazel Orme.

If you notice any anti-social behaviour on the grounds during the Break, please contact education security:  92644632. 

Term Two Commencement Date.

The school term commences on Tuesday the 26th of April as the Monday is a public holiday.




Glenn Rondoni
