
Students will continue to select 5 ‘Just Right’ books, including at least one non-fiction text, on a weekly basis and read these daily at school as well as at home with you. Your praise and encouragement as your child’s reading develops, is invaluable. Please ask them what their reading goal is and what they need to practise to become an even better reader. 


Our major focus this term will be on Non-Fiction texts- the structure/features and summarising of non-fiction texts. It would be great if you could encourage your child to explore non-fiction texts by topic interest and discuss facts learnt after reading. Don’t forget a local library can be a wonderful resource!


What we expect the students to learn in Reading:

Year One

  • Can automatically read the first 100 Oxford words.
  • Discuss and share opinions about favourite texts, authors and illustrators that interest them, providing evidence for responses.
  • Notice the features to identify the text type and therefore the purpose of reading.
  • Read texts on familiar topics ad retell ideas, facts or key events in order. 
  • Discuss what is known and new information and share changes in ideas after reading a text

Year Two

  • Build vocabulary by noticing new and interesting words, including subject specific words and incorporate this vocabulary in own writing and speech.
  • Discuss and share opinions about favourite texts, authors and illustrations that interest them, providing evidence for responses.
  • Notice the text structure and language features to identify the text type and therefore the purpose for reading.
  • Relate important ideas of a text to each other. Retell and interpret key events or information using language from the text. 
  • Discuss what is known and new information and share changes in ideas after reading a text