
Welcome back everyone!


Term 2 has started well and we all look rested after the break. The students have settled into their expected learning routines again and are happy to be back with their friends! It will be another busy term with some exciting things happening! 


We have many things to look forward to such as, incursions planned by Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia and for the Year Ones, an incursion as part of our Royal Botanical Gardens Partnership. We will also be having a Twilight School day, where we will be starting the school day in the afternoon…how UNUSUAL! This is a wonderful opportunity for us to open our classrooms to families so they are able to see all of the learning that is happening. 


Semester One reports will also go home at the end of the term with parent interviews occurring early in Term 3. 


It would be wonderful if families could please send a box of tissues to school with your child as winter approaches. If your child is unwell, please keep them at home to rest up, recover and to minimise the spread.


Please feel free to contact the school at any time if you have any queries or would like to speak with your child’s teacher. Your child’s Term 2 timetable will be sent in a post via Seesaw. 


Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to another smooth and enjoyable term ahead.


Grade 1-2 Teachers

Taylah Hill, Rose Krajacic, Vicki McMahon, Jamie Sturzo, Leanne Vella and Kerrie Wolf.