Skillsroad is an initiative of Business Australia and is backed nationally by the Australian chamber movement.  The Australian chamber movement represents over 300,000 businesses and collectively has a vested interest in effectively transitioning school leavers and new talent into the labour force through meaningful and fulfilling career pathways.

Brought to you by Business Australia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia and the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


The world of work has changed tremendously in the past five months. It won’t be “business as usual” for a while, but instead, we can look forward to creating a 'better' normal. 


The Skillsroad 2020 COVID-19 Youth Review focuses on the pandemic's impact on young Australians' approach to mental health, education and entering the workplace, and how this translates into actionable insights for parents, educators and employers.


Whether you’re an educatoremployerparent or youth, we hope you find this review informative.