Year Two 

Communicating with the Year Two Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input:

Julie Hall (Class 2A)

Stacey Bowles (Class 2B)

Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles
Julie Hall
Stacey Bowles

An Overview of our Learning

Welcome back to Term 4, we are extremely happy to see all the wonderful smiling faces of our year 2 students. The students have quickly settled back into class routine and have been eager to learn. It has been so wonderful to see how well all the students have made the transition back to school, they were very excited to see all their friends and their teachers.


So far this Term students have been enjoying hands-on Maths lessons including using trundle wheels for Measurement and Geometry and using rulers to measure different items around the classroom.

Students have also been progressing with their InitiaLit lessons and have started their new Inquiry topic ‘Land and Sky’ which saw students having fun tracing their partners shadow and watching their shadow move throughout the day. Throughout this unit students will investigate Earth and Space sciences.  

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our parents, carers and families for all their hard work and partnering with us through remote learning. 


We look forward to working with each year 2 student to help them progress and be ready for a successful transition into year 3. 


Julie and Stacey

Take Home Readers!

Take home readers have begun this week. Please note that in order to do this in a Covid-safe way the structure of take home readers has changed. Students will be given readers to take home on Monday. They will then be expected to bring those readers back each Friday. Returning the readers on a Friday will give the school’s contract cleaners an opportunity to sanitise the books, ready for safe distribution on the following Monday. Students will not have the readers over the weekend.

Please read with your child nightly, making a note in their student diary. 

Important Dates:

  • Friday the 30th of October – Year 1/2 Professional Practice Day 
  • Monday the 2nd of November – Curriculum Day