Principal's Message 

CovidSafe Guidelines and Community Expectations

We would like to begin by acknowledging the support of our parent/carer community, whose actions have ensured that our CovidSafe drop-off and pick-up arrangements have been successfully implemented. It has been extremely rewarding to once again here the laughter and observe the happiness of our students, as they have seamlessly reintegrated into on-site learning.


Please note that until further notice:

  • students are unable to bring food to school to share in celebrations (such as birthdays)
  • there is to be no 'playing' within the school grounds either before or after school
  • parents/siblings should not be congregating within the school grounds.

We ask for your continued vigilance in adhering to our school's CovidSafe Guidelines. 


Please refer to the below communication as a reminder (posted via Compass on 02/10/2020). 


CovidSafe Practice
CovidSafe Playground daily sterilising
Promoting hand hygiene
CovidSafe Practice
CovidSafe Playground daily sterilising
Promoting hand hygiene

Traffic Safety Reminder

With the return to on-site learning there has been a marked increase (anecdotally) in the number of families who are driving a vehicle to school. This has created increased traffic congestion, and some very dangerous situations which can be addressed through considering how our actions can impact upon others. 


Therefore, we ask parents/carers to observe the following: 

  • ONLY cross at the pedestrian crossings
  • DO NOT use the Riley Road gravel bowl (intersecting with Morris Road) to park and collect children. This is an accident waiting to happen!
  • If accessing the Riley Road carpark, DO NOT park your car along the fence-line where students enter/exit the playground. This blocks both the view of pedestrians, and causes a traffic-jam.
  • OBSERVE signed speed limits. Remember that our little people are not necessarily looking for cars when travelling to and from school.
  • REPORT any concerns with traffic management to the Yarra Ranges Council and/or the School Principal.



Please refer to the below Compass note which was posted on 12/10/2020.


In 2020, schools have been provided with the option to survey a randomly generated selection of parents/carers (which is the normal process), or seek input from the entire school community. Due to the nature of 2020, our school has made the decision to seek input from all parents/ carers for the 2020 Parent Opinion Survey.   We have made this decision for two main reasons:

  1. Data validity- Surveys which have been distributed to families throughout 2020 have generated a huge response rate, therefore increasing the validity of the data collected.
  2. Informed decision making- In 2022, our school is scheduled to undertake a Strategic Review (this occurs each four/five years across government schools). Therefore, the data collated from this survey will help our school to acknowledge the positive work which has been done over the previous twelve months, as well as drive future improvements in 2021; which is the final year of our current School Strategic Plan.

 In order for the entire parent/carer cohort to be provided with the opportunity to partake in the 2020 Parent Opinion Survey, we are providing families with a ‘generic’ log-in code. As this code is generic, we ask for your honesty in only completing a single survey for your family. Entering multiple survey results using this code will only result in skewed data, and may have a detrimental impact upon strategic planning for 2021. Therefore, it is unwise for your family to use the generic code more than once.


Term Four is a Sunsmart Term 

Remember from 1st September you need a Sunsmart Hat to be able to play outside! 

DET Reporting Guidelines- Semester Two, 2020


The following extract is taken from the DET Reporting Guidelines Semester Two, 2020


" As was the case in Semester One, 2020, student reporting in Semester Two, 2020 will look a little different to previous years. Reports will reflect adjustments that schools have made to their local curriculum programs in response to the needs and aspirations of their school communities, and the disruption caused by COVID-19.
In many cases, this will mean that less curriculum content was covered than was planned. Student reporting in Semester 2, 2020 should focus on what progress has been made and what has been achieved by each child. Schools are encouraged to keep reports simple but make them meaningful." 

DET primary schools must:

  • provide a written report (print or digital) in an accessible form and easy for parents/carers to understand for Semester Two, 2020;
  • provide the opportunity for parents/carers and students to discuss the school report with teachers, consistent with each school’s usual end of year approach but subject to any relevant health advice.

For English and Mathematics, schools must:

  • provide a short description of what was taught; and
  • report achievement by making a teacher judgement against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 achievement standards; and
  • report progress from the last time that curriculum area was reported on (this should be automatically generated by your reporting software); and
  • include an age-related five-point scale (this should also be automatically generated by your reporting software).

Reporting progress in other curriculum areas, schools must:

  • provide a short description of what was taught. In addition, schools should provide a short comment on progress and achievement in their learning across the Semester.

Reporting student participation and engagement, schools must:

  • provide a comment on student participation and engagement in the learning program offered in Semester Two 2020, with reference to the Personal and Social Capability in the curriculum.

Semester Two, 2020 Student Reports will be distributed via Compass. The publishing date of reports will be advised in early Term Four; with the publishing date being at some stage in late December, 2020. 

Cancellation of School Camps/ Excursions/ Incursions


Due to the ongoing restrictions across Metropolitan Melbourne, all camps/ excursions/ incursions are to be cancelled. 


Unfortunately, for our school community this means that the Year Five-Six camp, and the Year Three-Four camp will no longer occur. 


The format of other community events, such as our annual Christmas Concert will be communicated to families in early Term Four. 

Transition Programs for Foundation- Year Six Students

Due to the ongoing restrictions across Metropolitan Melbourne, there are currently some uncertainties as to what format transition programs will occur within. 

We can however, make reference to the following: 


Kindergarten- Foundation Transition Programs

  • All enrolled families have been previously sent details for a Webex information session to occur this week, during which they will receive information such as teachers, format of transition program, supporting your child's readiness for school, and a date for a one-one Webex meeting with the classroom teachers in the first week of Term Four.

Year Six- Year Seven Transition Programs 

  • In early Term Four, DET will be providing schools with further advice based upon DHHS restrictions. However, the current date of Tuesday December 8th 2020 is tentatively booked for statewide government school transition.

Foundation- Year Six Transition Programs


The Leadership Team of Upwey South Primary School are currently working hard to secure staffing arrangements for 2021. This will allow the school to:

  • consider and implement best-practice ways of promoting positive transition sessions within the school
  • inform parents/carers, and students of their 2021 classroom teacher in early December
  • commence internal transition programs in early December.

Withdrawal of BYOD iPad Program from 2021

As previously communicated to families in mid-late 2019, this year the school began the phased withdrawal of the Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) iPad Program across Year Three- Year Six. 


From the commencement of the 2021 school year, students will no longer be permitted to bring their own iPad to school. 


To continue the support of digital learning across the curriculum, the school has recently purchased 70 iPads at a heavily discounted rate which will be rolled out as class-sets across the middle and senior school. 


More information regarding the above will be provided to families during Term Four, 2020. 


Providing Support to our Families

Within the context of Remote Learning, and extended restrictions upon Metropolitan Melbourne, there are a number of online workshops which are being offered to support parents/carers with the challenges that families may be facing in juggling competing commitments. 


The below workshops are optional, and are being facilitated by ParentZone (Anglicare). These workshops are being offered to all schools across the Eastern Region of Melbourne. 


All programs are free to attend, however bookings are essential as spaces are limited.


Calm Parents Happy Kids – 6 week program Thursdays Oct 15th to Nov 19th from 7:00pm- 8:30pm. 

Emotion Focused Parenting – 6 week program Mondays Oct 21st to Nov 25th from 7:00pm- 9:00pm. 

Dads Matter – 6 week program Tuesdays Oct 27th to Dec 1st from 7:00pm- 9:00pm. 

Talking Teens – 6 week program Tuesdays Oct 13th to Nov 24th from 7:00pm- 8:30pm. 

Keeping Aware of Information Relating to School

As a school we work hard to keep our families informed of happenings across the school. We acknowledge that receiving information in a timely and consistent manner can help to alleviate the pressures which come from managing a busy family calendar. 

Communicating via Compass


All of our school notifications are sent via the Newsfeed within the Compass app. There is also a calendar of events within the app, which sends push notifications to users to remind them of school events. 


In 2020, we are also utilising Compass for families to consent and pay in order for their children to take part in school events. The uptake and comments from families thus far is that it is so easy to do, and helpful to be able to consent at the push of a button. 


In order to filter notifications which are received, you will notice that we send out notifications which are year level specific. This means that sometimes not all notifications are sent to all year levels. 

Communicating with the School Administration Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 


USPS Inbox: 


Damien Kitch (Principal)


Clare Bennett (Business Manager)


Janette Clarke (Office Manager)