Sports News

Term 3 Remote Learning in Physical Education 

In a year like no other, Physical Education at EDSC has looked significantly different throughout Term 3. Taking the time to stay active, ensuring a balanced diet and taking extended breaks away from the computer were priorities for our students from Year 7 to 12 as they looked to maintain good physical and mental health during remote learning 2.0.


Students have participated in multiple sessions utilising different methods of training such as Resistance, Plyometrics, Circuit and Flexibility. These were done with minimal equipment and could be easily done within the constraints of being at home. Creativity has been shown in the way these sessions have been completed, with students using excellent problem solving skills and ‘thinking outside the square’ in order to get the best out of these activities. 

College community wide activities such as the ‘Virtual Cross Country’ and ’10,000 Steps Challenge’ have allowed students, parents and staff to participate in further activities to promote physical health and well-being whilst earning points for their house. The participation in these events has been fantastic, well done to those who have participated! 


We very much look forward to resuming on-site Physical Education classes when possible in Term 4. 


Stay safe and have an enjoyable and well deserved holiday! 

Michael James

Physical Education Domain Leader

EDSC Virtual House Steps Competition

In the Term 3 holidays, the East Doncaster SC Virtual House Steps Competition will be continuing for all members of the EDSC community (any students, family members and staff).  There is no minimum or maximum number of steps to enter, and you can enter as many times as you want.


To enter, you are encouraged to keep a tally of the steps you take on a given day, whilst adhering to the Stage 4 restrictions set out most recently by the Victorian Government. 

Students in Year 7 to 9 are encouraged to participate as many times as they like during their scheduled Sport Education double period or at a time that best suits them. Other members of the EDSC community can also enter multiple times. 


Submit your results via the following link -  


House points will be determined from all results submittedwith regular weekly updates posted on Compass. Points will be awarded for each individual or multiple entry in this competition.


For those who are interested you can also sign up and register on 10,000 Steps

 Michael James

Sporting Carnivals &

 House Activities Coordinator


 Glenn Baker

Years 7, 8 & 9 Sport Program Coordinator