Visual Arts News

Year 10 Art – Drawing Folio

Students in Year 10 Art have been drawing up a storm during lockdown 2.0 and have been focusing on improving and practising their skills and exploring media along the way. 


Students have been working with the themes of nature, still life and portraiture.


I am very proud of these students' efforts, determination and perseverance under such extraordinary circumstances and would like to celebrate their talents!


Here are some samples of student work completed during Cycle 4 and 5 for the school community to admire. Enjoy!

Stephanie Wheeler

Visual Arts Teacher

Kitty Akbari 10E
Bella Nguyen 10D
Gladys Heu 10A
Yasmeen Jarrar 10I
Demi Strigas 10C
Daniella Moralli 10A
Jelena Horvat 10E
Gladys Heu 10A
Kitty Akbari 10E
Bella Nguyen 10D
Gladys Heu 10A
Yasmeen Jarrar 10I
Demi Strigas 10C
Daniella Moralli 10A
Jelena Horvat 10E
Gladys Heu 10A